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Banks Dynasty – Day 64 (Part 3)

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She returns when Q calls out that the food is ready. Mama grabs a plate and sits down next to Q. Alice stands off to the side while the rest of us eat and chat about how pleasant the weather has been.

Alice eventually realizes that she won’t really feel comfortable until she apologizes and breaks the ice with my mom. She comes a bit closer (but not within slapping distance) and finally gives in…

Alice: I’m sorry, Lea. What I said was pretentious, rude, and elitist. Please forgive me.

Oblivious to the tension between his two grandmothers…Merit sits down on the cooler to eat his dinner.

Lea: I appreciate your effort to apologize, but I’ll have you know that I will not put up with being made to feel unwelcome and judged at my own daughter’s home.

Alice: I’d feel the same way. I’m so sorry that I made you feel that way.

Q Jr. walks over to comfort Lea with a hug…

Quincy Jr.: You’ll always be welcomed here!

Peri avoids the drama by helping to clean up the dirty dishes. She also cleans up the mess made by Gran-Lea kicking over the garbage can. As she does, Quincy Sr. comes up to her to say his goodbyes…

Quincy Sr.: It’s time for us to go back to your Aunt Sophia’s now.

Prosperity: Bye, Pop-pop. See you soon!

Alice is determined to make up with Lea…

Alice: My husband and I will be heading back home on Tuesday. But before I go…I really want to make this up to you. Have lunch with me tomorrow! Let me truly show you how sorry I am.

Lea: My momma didn’t raise no fool. She always taught me never to turn down a free meal. *thinks for a moment* We can meet up – but it has to be quick…during my lunch break from work.

Alice: Perfect! See you tomorrow.

Alice says her goodbyes and leaves. Mama stays for a while, giving us some time to talk.

Lea: Now I see what you meant. That woman is something else. How did you deal with her in Sulani?

Alida: I didn’t…not very well anyway. Q and I considered looking for an alternative place to stay, but it all ended up working out. I’m surprised you agreed to have lunch with her tomorrow.

Lea: Yeah, well – sometimes even people like me find ways to be the bigger person.

Alida: I’m proud of how you handled it. You’ve changed so much.

Lea: Thanks, Leelee. *short pause* It’s getting late, and I have to be at work tomorrow.

Q and Peri return to the backyard in time to say goodbye to mama.

Quincy: I’ll walk you out…

Merit is beyond tired. He walks over to me with his arms stretched out.

Merit: Mama up!

I stand and lift him up in my arms.

Alida: You’ve been such a good boy. C’mon…let’s get you changed and ready for bed.

Q and Peri team up to finish cleaning up, while I put Merit to bed and read him a story.

Peri retires to her bedroom, and Q is on the treadmill when I leave Merit’s bedroom. I walk over to him…

Alida: You were so right…getting our parents together was a nightmare waiting to happen. I won’t be ready to do that again anytime soon.

Quincy: *chuckles* There was no bloodshed, so I consider it a success.

Alida: Thanks for sticking up for us. It has to be hard for you to stand up to your mom like that.

Quincy: It’s not that hard…especially when she gets way outta pocket like that.

Alida: It’s sexy, though. I was thinking about what I wanted to do to you the whole time.

Quincy: *instantly turned on* Oh really?

Alida: *flirty* I’ll be upstairs waiting for you when you finish your workout.

I turn and start for the stairs.

Quincy: *speeds up the treadmill* I’ll be right behind you!

Q finishes his run in record time, then follows me up the stairs.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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