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Banks Dynasty – Day 65 (Part 1)

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Peri is up before everyone else. She makes a quick bowl of oatmeal and sits down to eat it, feeling on the orangey/red side of her emotions because she’s so behind in fulfilling her aspiration. Today is the day to make something happen with Byron. She leaves for school with that on her mind.

After an incredible night with Q…I wake up feeling energized and ready to begin my day. The first thing I do is run a few miles on the treadmill. Q is also feeling good. He eats his breakfast, then goes to his computer to get a jump start on a new photography freelance job.

Meanwhile, at the Fresh Market restaurant at noon…

Alice requests a table and sits down with a menu in hand next to Alida’s mother, Lea. Lea is not too happy to be missing her stories and hopes that this meeting will not be a big mistake.

Alice puts the menu away and turns to Lea…

Alice: Thanks for meeting me here.

Lea: Thanks for inviting me, but I only have 1 hour for lunch.

Alice glances at Lea’s work uniform with what she hopes is a blank expression, but Lea can still pick up on the judgment in her eyes.

Lea: I’m just going to lay all my cards on the table. I’ve been through a lot. I didn’t get to raise my daughter. Early on, I had to live a life that I’m not proud of. I’m from Mirage Park…born and raised there. I can’t change that. But Alice, I’m not about to sit here and let you break me or get me sent back to prison.

Alice: *quietly* Prison? What did you go to prison for?

Lea:*deep sigh* Like I said…I led a life that I’m not proud of. During that time…I ran into a man that thought he could abuse me and do what he wanted with me. I didn’t allow it…and he ended up dead. I spent 20 years locked up…away from my daughter and away from leading a normal life. But I’ve been out for a few years now. This is my new start, and I’m trying to make the most of it.

Alice: Good for you.

Lea:*surprised* What?

Lea reasons that Alice is congratulating her for changing her life, but she’s not…

Alice: I’ve been a victim of mistreatment by a guy – my first boyfriend when I was a teen. He was emotionally abusive. And for a while, I didn’t dare leave him. Good for you for not allowing yourself to be abused.

The waitress comes to take their order before Lea can respond to what Alice has said. She’s amazed that they actually have something in common.

Alice: So, what will you be having, Lea?

Lea: I don’t know. There’s no meat on the menu.

Alice: Yeah…I forgot to warn you. This is a vegetarian restaurant, but their Butternut Squash Soup is to die for.

Lea: Uh…I’ll just get a baked potato and a cream soda.

Alice:*to waitress* One baked potato with a cream soda and one Butternut Squash Soup with Lemon Honey Ginger Detox tea, please.

After the waitress has left…

Lea: Thanks for sharing your story.

Alice: Thanks for opening up the door to allow me to. *short pause* I’ve done things I’m not proud of too.

Lea is once again shocked that Alice has another confession.

Lea:*very interested* Like what?

Alice: It may sound insignificant after what you’ve just shared, but I’m ashamed of it just the same.

Lea: Well, this isn’t a contest…

Alice: True… I lie to people about having a college degree.

Lea: Okay…why would you lie about it?

Alice: Because in my circle of friends…having a degree is everything. It’s how I was raised. Where I come from, as soon as you’re born…your educational path is laid out. First, it’s about getting into the best private schools, then the most prestigious college. You’re expected to go into medicine, law, or politics. I decided to turn away from all that and go into the arts.

It’s Lea’s turn to congratulate Alice.

Lea: Good for you!

Alice: Thanks. I admire and respect you, Lea, because at least you don’t lie about your reality. And I’m sorry that I ever made you feel less than. I hate the way I was raised. I know you can’t help where you come from any more than I can. But you’re tough. Frankly, I don’t know many people who could have survived what you’ve been through. I know I couldn’t have.

Lea: Thanks, but I believe you could have. You are a survivor…just like I am.

Alice: I appreciate you for saying that.

Alice: I like you, Lea. I love that you’re 100% real. I can be myself around you.

Lea: You know what…I like you too.

The waitress arrives and drops off their food.

Alice: Do you have any vacation time saved up?

Lea: Yeah…why do you ask?

Alice: I want to invite you to visit us in Sulani. It’s gorgeous, and I can just see us relaxing on the beach sipping Simsmapolitans together in the sun.

Lea:*excited* That would be amazing, Alice! I’ll definitely take you up on that. I’ve never been out of the desert in my whole life.

Alice: Good…it would be an honor to have you.

Lea: I’ll request my vacation time today. 

Alice and Lea spend the rest of their lunch eating, discussing their childhoods, and planning Lea’s upcoming trip to Sulani…

Quick update on Michelle…

She has finally quit the acting career and is now a full-time style influencer – a dream come true!

Merit gets a new hairstyle and a communication lesson from Q. He’s a calm, patient student and gets to level 2 quickly.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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