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Banks Dynasty – Day 66 (Part 2)

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Meanwhile, at the Oasis Springs Recreation Complex…

Prosperity: Thank you for meeting me here…

Byron: No problem. What’s up?

Peri sits down and pulls out her phone…

Prosperity: I received this message last night… *reads the message to Byron*

Byron: Who’s that?

Prosperity: That’s what I’m asking you…

Byron: They can’t be referring to me.

Prosperity: Who else would they be referring to? You’re the only guy I’m talking to.

Byron: It’s no one I know, Peri. I promise.

Prosperity: So you don’t have some crazy girlfriend out there who’s warning me to stay away from you?

Byron: It’s like I told you last night…we broke up. You can ask me 100x’s, but the answer will not change. I don’t have a girlfriend.

Prosperity: Well, what about your ex? Maybe she’s not ready for it to be over.

Byron: Maybe not…but it is over. If she were more like you…maybe we’d still be together. I’ll talk to her…just in case that’s not clear. If she sent the message…I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. Okay?

Peri is almost giddy thinking about what he’s just said…” more like you.”

Prosperity: Okay…I believe you.

Now that everything is out in the open…Peri feels a lot better. She and Byron get up to shoot some hoops for a bit. Peri surprises herself by making a few shots. Maybe her father’s athleticism is hereditary.

Byron: You’re actually pretty good at this.

Prosperity: Thanks!

After they’ve worked up a little sweat…Peri pulls out her phone.

Byron: What’s that? Another crazy message?

Prosperity:*flirty* Maybe… *hits send*

Byron receives the message. He takes a moment to read it, then puts it away. Peri holds her breath, waiting for his response. Then she second-guesses herself. It was such a stupid message. Maybe she shouldn’t have sent it.

He finally responds…

Byron: I like you too.

Prosperity: You do?

Byron: Yeah…a lot.

Prosperity: Yay!

Byron pulls her in for a hug.

Prosperity:*after the hug* I’d better go. I have homework.

Byron: Okay…see you tomorrow.

Merit and I arrive home from Michelle’s just as Peri pulls up on her bike.

Alida: Where have you been?

Prosperity: I was just riding around the neighborhood.

Alida: It must have been a great ride…you seem extra happy about it.

Prosperity: Isn’t bike riding always great? See you inside…I have homework.

Peri turns and heads towards the back patio. I stand there, suspiciously believing that everything she just said was a lie…

I ignore it for now. I’m sure the truth of what Peri is really up to will come out sooner or later.

Merit and I enter the house, and we all do our own thing…working or building skills.

Eventually, it’s time for bed. Q reads Merit a bedtime story. Peri finishes her homework…and later, Q joins me in bed.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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