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Banks Dynasty – Day 67 (Part 2)

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Lea has actually made her way to Sulani, and she and Alice are living their best life!

Time for lunch…

Lea: This is the restaurant? But…it barely has walls!

Alice: That’s because the views are to die for! Come on!

Moments later…

Alice: *glancing at her menu* What should we get to drink, Lea?

Lea: Something with one of those cute little umbrella thingies.

Lea: You’re right! This is amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever watched a sunset before.

Alice: I believe Sulani sunsets have healing properties…

The food arrives…

Shrimp cocktail and Cupid Juice for Alice. A lobster roll and a Hot and Smoky for Lea.

Lea: This drink is so cute! I’m keeping the little umbrella.

Alice: Yeah, but how does it taste?

Lea: *takes a sip* It tastes like Sulani!

Alice doesn’t question that because somehow…she knows exactly what Lea means. Lea glances out over the water as the sun sets.

Lea: I believe you’re right, Alice! It does having healing properties.

That night, they meet Quincy Sr. at the Sand Bar.

Lea: Oh, wow! A juice keg! We have to do one of those keg stands.

Alice: At our age? We might break a hip.

Lea: YOLO, right? Isn’t that what the kids say? Neither of us got to experience it in college. C’mon!

Alice: *very reluctant* Okay…

Lea accidentally swallows too much juice and begins to gag. A bunch of it comes spewing out of her mouth. Alice panics and drops her on the ground.

Alice: Oh my – are you okay?

Lea: *rubs her aching butt* Aside from you dropping my old ass on the ground…I’m having the time of my life!

They laugh.

They move over to the bonfire. Lea is determined to try everything…no matter the cost. After a failed attempt at fire dancing…

Lea: Oh, Watcher…don’t let me go like this!

The night eventually ends as Lea and Alice become good friends.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)





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