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Banks Dynasty – Day 68 (Part 2)

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I leave Merit’s room feeling very mixed feelings. I’m glad to finally know what Peri was up to the other day, but I’m not sure how I feel about her dating. I know that we’re long overdue to have the woohoo talk. That will have to happen before Peri is allowed to go out with anyone. I return to the office to continue working on my video game.

Q and Byron leave Merit’s bedroom after about 20 minutes. Q leads him upstairs to the kitchen, where Peri is waiting.

Quincy: I’ve approved this date, but I’ve laid out the rules. *To Byron* You remember rule number one…right?

Byron: *uncomfortable* Yes, sir.

Quincy: Good!  *to Peri* I’ll finish up with Merit. You two can go now.

Peri and Byron hurry back down the stairs.

The idea of Peri dating is new to Q, so he decides to go online and search for some parenting forums to see if he did the right thing by approving the date. Just a few moments reading some of the most judgmental responses ever makes him feel like the worst parent in the world. Now he feels like he’s basically opened the door for Peri to begin going down the wrong path…first, there’s woohoo, then teenage pregnancy, then drugs, then jail time. Q decides to just trust his judgment and Peri’s maturity and disregards these colorful opinions.

Peri and Byron go out back…

Prosperity: See! I told you he was a nice guy. Everything worked out fine. We can go out tomorrow!

Peri moves in for a hug, but Byron pulls back…

Byron: Maybe we should hold off on hugs for now.

Prosperity: Why?

Byron: Rule number one…no touching!

Prosperity: You’ve got to be freaking kidding me!

Byron: Let’s just study, like we said we would do. *pulls out his book*

Prosperity: We can at least sit down…or are you too spooked to do that also?

Byron: Uh…I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back…

Prosperity: Yeah…okay. It’s the door right past my little brother’s bedroom.

Peri finishes up her homework and heads inside to look for Byron. She finds him upstairs watching TV with Merit.

Quincy: I like him…he’s a good kid.

Prosperity: *under her breath* Yeah…now that you’ve ruined my chance for any physical contact.

Quincy: What was that?

Prosperity: Oh, nothing…I was just wondering what we had left to eat. *sits down with plate* Are you hungry Byron? We have leftover taco casserole.

Byron: Not right now…thanks.

It’s close to bedtime when I finally put the finishing touches on my video game. I call it the Shero’s Journey and send it out into the world…hoping it does well. Then I find Merit in his bedroom and read him his bedtime story. It’s been a long day of work, but the feeling of completing a big project cannot be measured.

Peri and Byron are sitting down watching TV when I come up for bed. I’m guessing it means that Q is okay with them dating. I still intend on pulling Peri aside tomorrow to have the talk. But now…I’m too tired, so I change and head to bed.

Prosperity: So…what should we do tomorrow – for our date?

Byron: I’m still working that out. Do you have anything in mind?

Prosperity: We can go get ice cream or maybe go to the movies!

Byron: Why not do both?

Prosperity: Can we?

Byron: Whatever you want.

Byron is suddenly very aware of the time.

Byron: I’d better go…my mom will be home soon.

Prosperity: Okay…I’ll walk you to the door.

Peri walks a few steps, then turns…

Prosperity: One question…

Byron: What’s up?

Prosperity: Did my dad mention kissing…you know, in his rules.

Byron: No… I think he forgot to mention that.

Prosperity: Good! *leans in and gives Byron a sweet little kiss on the lips*

After the kiss…

Byron: That was nice…

Prosperity: It was. See you tomorrow?

Byron: Yes..7 o’clock. I’ll come pick you up.

Prosperity: Okay

Byron walks out the door. Peri decides that introducing him to her parents was a good idea. It feels so much better than sneaking out to meet up…and now she knows he’ll be welcomed to come over and hang out from time to time. She wishes that her dad didn’t put on the tough act, but she knows it’s just an act. She goes to the door and watches Byron walk down the stairs. She’s looking forward to their date tomorrow.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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