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Banks Dynasty – Day 69 (Part 1)

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It’s egg day, but the big event for the day is Peri’s upcoming date with Byron. Still, second-guessing his parental decisions a little, Q wakes up extra early…does some spring cleaning, cooks breakfast, and goes outside to hit his new heavy bag for a while.

Since it’s a holiday, Peri has the day off from school…so she’s still in the kitchen when I wake up to eat breakfast.

Prosperity: That’s cute, ma! It’s something that I’d actually wear.

Alida: Thanks…wait! What’s that supposed to mean?

Prosperity: *matter of fact* No offense, but you dress boring. And you’ve been wearing the same hairstyles my whole life. Gran-Lea and Grandma Alice both have more style than you.

How do I not take offense to that?

My feelings are a bit hurt, but I have something else on my mind…so I change the subject. I carry my plate over to the counter and sit down next to Peri.

Alida: Never mind what I look like. I have a question for you…what do you know about woohoo?

Prosperity: Enough…

Alida: Which means you don’t know enough…

Prosperity: *recites facts* The man’s penis goes into the woman’s –

Alida: *interrupts* That’s not what I’m talking about Peri. That’s just the physical part. What do you know about the emotional part of woohoo?

Prosperity: Emotional part? Like…it feels good, and you’re done?

Alida: It’s not that simple. There are more feelings involved and possible consequences.

Prosperity: Like babies? I already know how to prevent a  baby.

Alida: I thought I did too, but in the heat of the moment…things happen, and people sometimes behave irresponsibly. For example…you weren’t exactly planned.

Prosperity: Oh my gah – ma! Are you saying that I was an oops baby?

Alida: I mean…I wouldn’t exactly put it that way. But –

Prosperity: *sudden admiration* So you do have some chill and spontaneity in you!

Alida: This isn’t funny, Peri. I got lucky with your father. You end up with a baby by the wrong person, and suddenly you’re raising a child by yourself. Believe me…it’s hard enough with two people.

Prosperity: Okay…so Byron and I should be very careful. Is that what you’re saying?

Alida: No…that’s not – what I’m saying is that woohoo isn’t something that should be taken lightly. You think you’re in love with someone because your emotions and hormones are all over the place…then you can end up doing something you could possibly regret later. Something that affects the rest of your life!

Peri eats a few bites of her food and thinks about what her mother is telling her.

Prosperity: Okay, ma. I’ll take it seriously.

Alida: Good!

I’m not 100% satisfied with our talk and I’m sure it’s something that should become a regular part of our conversation. But, for now, I take time to think about what Peri said to me earlier.

Alida: So…do you really think I need a change of style?

Prosperity: Not unless you enjoy looking like all your good clothes are in the dirty clothes hamper, and you’re stuck wearing what’s left.

Ouch…that stings. I was going to wait for my birthday, but maybe now is the time for a change.

Peri and I finish up breakfast, then head our separate ways while Q takes care of Merit.

I receive a royalty report on my video game. It’s made a small amount of money, but my most significant source of income continues to be the fruit from the money tree. I take some time to give it some extra TLC.

Meanwhile, Q gives Merit a bath, and Peri finishes up another pop art painting.

Peri walks in on an impromptu dance party but doesn’t participate. She opens her computer and begins researching college admissions. So far, she doesn’t qualify for much aid…and her grades aren’t that great either. Peri wonders if maybe she needs to look at possibly doing something else after high school. How it’s looking now…she might not be ready for college. 

Now that we’ve worked up a bit of a sweat…I lead Merit to his bedroom and pull out a new book to read. He seems overjoyed at the “Toy Tales” story. I can see this becoming one of his favorite books.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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