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Banks Dynasty – Day 69 (Part 3)

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Upstairs, Q lets Byron in and greets him with a handshake.

Quincy: Good to see you again…and you’re on time! I like that.

Byron: Thanks

Quincy: Just as a heads up…our family just received some bad news a little bit ago. I want you to keep that in mind tonight when you’re with Peri.

Byron: Yes, sir.

Q and Byron sit down.

Quincy: I’m going to be honest…I’m a bit uneasy at the thought of you two going out tonight. Peri is in a very vulnerable state. So, I’m going to tell you just like I’ll tell my own son when he starts dating…be respectful! Treat my daughter right…and no means no! And for the love of the Watcher…don’t you ever raise a hand to her – you hear me?

Byron: Yes, sir. My mom tells me the same things.

Quincy: Good! What about your dad?

Byron: I don’t know him. He and moms split up when I was a baby.

Quincy: Oh…sorry to hear that.

Knowing this about Byron sort of endears him to Q just a bit more.

Byron: It’s all good. Moms has been holding it down on her own for a while. She’s a pro.

Quincy: Maybe we’ll invite the two of you over for dinner one day.

Byron: She’d like that.

Peri enters the room, glad to see that Byron and her dad seem to be getting along well. Peri sits down next to Q.

Prosperity: Hi, daddy, hi Byron.

Byron: Hi, Peri. Are you ready to go?

Byron decides to take Peri to the Outdoor Cinema. Just as they arrive, he receives a text from Q with an almost forgotten reminder…

Quincy’s Text: Have her back by midnight!

Byron sends a quick response, then walks over to Peri.

Byron: Your dad says you guys got some bad news today.

Prosperity: Yeah…my Gran-Lea died.

Byron: Sorry about that. We can do this another time if you want to.

Prosperity: No…I’m okay. Let’s do this.

The movie is scheduled to begin in about 10 minutes, giving Byron and Peri just enough time to grab some concessions.

Byron: They have popcorn, or we can get some pastries and coffee.

Prosperity: Popcorn is good.

They grab their popcorn and Peri discovers that the death of her grandmother is weighing on her a lot more than she thought it would.

Byron and Peri sit down as the movie, College Cram, begins. It’s a good movie choice because they’re both at the point in their lives where they are thinking about college. The movie makes it seems as if college is all parties, drinking and streaking across campus naked, though. There’s minimal studying being done in the College Cram world. 

As the movie goes on…Peri and Byron begin to get a little more comfortable. Peri scooches over next to Byron. He whispers in her ear…

Byron: You look pretty.

Prosperity: Thanks. So do you…I mean – I like your hair cut!

Byron: Thanks

The movie ends. As the credits roll…

Prosperity: I made something for you…

Byron: You did?

Peri and Byron stand, and she presents him with a wrapped gift. He opens it and discovers her home-baked sugar cookies.

Byron is happy to receive Peri’s gift. He gives her one in return.

Byron: This is for you…

It’s a rose with a little note attached. Peri reads it…

Prosperity: Oh…that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever written to me. Thanks

She rewards him with a kiss.

Byron: I mean it…and I wanted to know if you’ll be my girlfriend.

Prosperity: Yeah! Of course…if you didn’t ask me, I was going to ask you.

They chuckle as Peri pulls him in close beside her and pulls out her phone…

Prosperity: Selfie time! This one’s for the gram!

Byron gives Peri his phone and they use it to take a 2nd photo to commemorate the moment.

Peri kisses Byron on the cheek when they arrive at her house.

Byron: Maybe you can meet my mom tomorrow. She wants to know who you are.

Prosperity: It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow, but I might be able to sneak away for a while.

Byron: It’s all good. You can meet her on Sunday.

Prosperity: Yeah…okay. I’d better go in. The light is on, so I’m sure my dad is up waiting for me.

I’m finishing up a movie on TV as Peri walks in. She looks surprised to see me. I’m sure she was expecting Q, but he went to bed 20 minutes ago. I wipe away tears that have been invading my eyes off and on all night. I stand up to check in on her…

Alida: How was your date?

Prosperity: Amazing…we’re together now – boyfriend and girlfriend.

I’m not quite ready to hear that, but it makes me glad that we had the talk earlier.

Alida: I’m happy for you…

At least I want to be, but it’s hard to be happy about anything right now.

Prosperity: Thanks. Are you okay?

Alida: Not really, but I will be. Don’t worry. Sleep well…I’ll see you tomorrow.

Prosperity: Good night, mommy.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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