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Banks Dynasty – Day 2.2 (Part 2)

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I was so young the last time I visited grandma and pop-pop that I don’t remember anything except celebrating a birthday here. I do remember the colors though…so bright and pretty.

Once we arrive, grandma Alice shows me the room where I’ll be staying.

Alice: This used to be your father’s room. I’m sure you’ll be comfortable here, but if there’s anything you need, let me know.

Prosperity: I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Alice: I’m so glad you decided to visit.

Gran-Alice walks over and gives me a big hug.

Prosperity: I’m glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me.

Alice: This is your home, so treat it as such. Your grandfather is making lunch if you’re hungry. *looks around* I guess that’s it. I’ll see you in a bit.

Gran-Alice leaves the room. I look around for a moment, but it’s the ocean that I’m anxious to see. I follow her out of the bedroom and go out to the back deck where pop-pop is grilling up lunch.

I glance out over the bay that makes up gran and pop-pop’s backyard. I feel nothing but brilliant, radiant colors that bring a smile to my face. Here is where I was meant to be. I have no doubts about it.  I pull out my phone to take my first selfie in Sulani, just as pop-pop announces that lunch is ready.

Back in the house, we sit down to eat freshly grilled sausage and peppers.

Prosperity: This looks good, pop-pop.

Quincy Sr.: *downcast* Thanks

Alice: You have to excuse your grandfather. He received some bad news about a good friend yesterday.

Prosperity: Oh…I’m so sorry to hear that.

Quincy Sr.: Thanks, darling. I don’t mean to bring down the mood.

Alice sees an opening and changes the subject…

Alice: So…have you applied to college?

Prosperity: Yes, ma’am.

Alice: And? What college are you leaning towards?

Prosperity: I’m not sure…

Gran-Alice stares as if my answer isn’t good enough.

Alice: I guess you can make the decision based on what offers you get. Have you decided on a major, at least?

I feel the need to put an end to this conversation before it goes any further.

Prosperity: Honestly, gran…I’m not even sure I want to go.

Alice: Of course you are! What are you talking about?

Pop-pop intervenes before I get a chance to respond.

Quincy Sr.: Listen woman…don’t start. We’re not doing this again. It’s up to Peri to make these decisions…not you!

Alice: I just –

Quincy Sr.: Just don’t! The girl just got here, and you’re already meddling. Let her breathe. When the time comes to make a decision, she will!

Pop-pop turns to me.

Quincy Sr.: I know that our son and daughter-in-law raised you to be a strong, bright young woman. Use this time to explore and find out what makes life worth living, you hear?

Alice: *scoffs quietly*

I  have a feeling that this conversation isn’t over yet, just postponed until pop-pop isn’t around to interfere. I look at him and smile…grateful that his brightness outshines any negative feelings that this conversation threatened to bring up in me.

Prosperity: Thanks, pop-pop.

Alice: *to Quincy Sr.* Let’s just hope your logic works with her because it damn sure didn’t work for our son or daughter.

Quincy Sr.: What are you talking about?

Alice: Q dropped out of the military and college…thanks to his brilliant decision making. And Sophia…hell, I’m still not sure what she even does for a living.

Quincy: They’re successful and happy, right? It didn’t come the way you wanted, but they are.

Gran-Alice lets it go for now…and I see this as my cue to make myself disappear for a while. I grab my dirty dish and get up to put it in the dishwasher.

I step out the door into Sulani’s mild tropical climate. It’s a refreshing change from the stifling heat I’m used to in Oasis Springs. Gran and pop-pop’s neighborhood isn’t big, but I head across the street, sure that there must be something here, aside from the beach, to keep me occupied for a few hours.

I discover some sort of book café. It looks like a cool place to hang out, and they actually offer laptops for public use. It seems like a win to me.

I get on one of the laptops and begin searching the web. I take pop-pop’s advice to heart. If I’m going to be in Sulani for the summer…I need to explore and use the time wisely. I can possibly find a new passion and maybe escape my gran’s unwanted interrogations about college.

I see a few listings for summer jobs, like lifeguards and divers, but below that is something even more interesting that could probably help me feed two birds with one scone.

It’s a listing for a conservation group that works and lives on an island in Mua Pel’am. There’s a link that says apply now, but when I click it, I discover that it’s outdated, and all positions have been filled. I sigh and scroll down past the listings for baristas and bartenders. Suddenly, a voice interrupts me…

Stranger: Are you new here? Is there anything I can help you with?

I guess she heard my sigh of frustration. I doubt that she can help me with my problem, but I decide to ask anyway.

Prosperity: Hey…do you know anything about a conversation group out in Mua Pel’am?

Stranger: Not much, but I see them from time to time. They’re real gung-ho about keeping the beaches clean. They’re mostly university students, led by a guy they call Mr. C. They seem like a nice enough group, though.

Prosperity: I saw a job listing, but the positions are filled now.

The girl gets up and walks over.

Stranger: Well, don’t give up. You should go out there and check with them in person. I’m sure they can take on one more person…even if it’s just on a volunteer basis.

Prosperity: You’re right. It might be worth a shot. What’s the best way to get to Mua Pel’am?

Stranger: There’s a guy that ferries folks back and forth over there every 15 minutes. If you leave now…you can probably catch the next one. He posts up right down the block from here.

Prosperity: Thanks so much!

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)


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