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Banks Dynasty – Day 3.2 (Part 2)

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I’m not sure that this place is all that I thought it would be. I’m here looking for freedom, but this is slave labor, and for what…to live in a tent? At least there’s the beach…

…and living near a beach does have its perks.

Sexy Guy: Hey there!

Prosperity: Hey you…

But I have a boyfriend at home, so I can only admire from afar.

The water calls out to me, and I change into my swimwear and step out knee-deep in response. One of my duties is to collect water, so I figure I might as well enjoy it while I’m doing it.

But to collect water, I need a bucket. I turn towards the shore to grab one and spot Mr. C standing in the waterfall. It takes a moment for me to realize that he’s completely undressed. I’m shocked, but more by the fact that the view isn’t bad. I guess he’s found the ultimate way to shower and conserve water.

I avert my eyes after staring a bit too long and grab a bucket. The last thing I need is for him to catch me looking. After I’ve completed my task, I hurry back to camp.

Behind the small building that contains the bathroom, I find some lockers. It seems to be the only place available to store personal items, so I locate an empty one and claim it as my own. I change out of my swimwear and take a deep breath as I take a moment to see what I’m feeling. The colors confuse me. I need some time alone to sort everything out.

I find an isolated bench and take a seat as I attempt to suppress the swirls of pink and purple that insist on slowly engulfing me. As weird as it sounds…there’s something a bit magical about this place, and I don’t quite understand it. Maybe that’s the real reason why the others don’t seem to mind it here.

My isolation is cut short by Piper, who comes and sits next to me with a bowl of Keith’s stew…along with the only member of the group that I didn’t meet earlier…

Wildflower: *waves* Hi…you must be the latest victim.

Prosperity: You must be Wild.

Wildflower: Yes…it’s short for Wildflower.

I wait for the punchline, but there is none.

Prosperity: Interesting name. I’m Prosperity, but I go by Peri.

Wildflower: Oh…I know. I received a dozen texts while at work. Everyone seems to be very interested in the new girl.

Prosperity: Oh, really? In what way?

Wildflower: Everyone’s just curious about you and looking forward to getting to know you.

Piper sighs and gets up. I’m guessing she doesn’t appreciate being left out of the conversation.

Prosperity: Same here. But…being here is going to be so strange.

Wildflower: *smiles knowingly* And you’re questioning why the hell you’re even here.

Prosperity: Right! I gave up the chance to stay in my grandparents’ cushy home to live in a tent…where I can’t even use my computer. I’ve never even been camping before!

Wildflower: You’ll be fine. You’ll be surprised at the things you can do to keep yourself occupied.

Prosperity:  You might have to help me with that because I’m clueless.

Wildflower: I’ll be glad too! *gets up from bench* But right now I’m starving and I need to see what Keith has cooked up today. See you later.

Prosperity: Yep…nice to meet you!

With all excitement for the day, I suddenly remember that it’s momma’s birthday today. I take out my cell and call her up.

Alida: *on the phone* Hey Peri! How’s it going?

Prosperity: Happy birthday, ma! I’m good. How’s your day been?

Alida: Thanks! My day’s been okay so far. We’re getting ready to have people over for my party. Your grandmother has been calling us saying that you moved out to live in a commune?

Prosperity: It’s not a commune. It’s a conservation group.

Alida: Okay…and what’s the difference?

I explain to her what the group is about before she announces that she has to go because the guests are arriving. I tell her that I’ll be mailing her a birthday gift, then we end the call.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)




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