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Banks Dynasty – Day 4.2 (Part 3)

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I’m still cursing Mr. C out in my head as I arrive back at camp. As soon as I get there, I receive a call from my boyfriend, Byron.

Byron: *on the phone* I didn’t hear from you yesterday. How’s Sulani?

I’m tempted to play it up as I did with Gran-Alice, but my last encounter with Mr. C makes it hard to do that.

Prosperity: I know, I’m sorry. Its just…this conservation group isn’t what I thought it would be.

Byron: How did you think it would be?

I lower my voice to avoid anyone overhearing.

Prosperity: Not like this. The guy that runs the group hates me. Nothing I do is good enough. He has me taking care of beetles and grubs. Can you believe that?

Byron: Give it some time. Being the newest person in a group is usually like that. The guy is probably just hazing you to see where your heart is.

Prosperity: How’s that testing where my heart is?

Byron: *on the phone* If you stick with it, then he knows that you want to be there.

Prosperity: *sigh* I guess you’re right.

Byron: And you won’t be there long. You’ll be in Britechester in the Fall. I think maybe we could get a place off-campus together…or at least try to be in the same dorms.

This is a topic I’d rather avoid, so I make an excuse to get off the phone.

Prosperity: Yeah, there’s that. But…I have to go now. I have to check on the grubs before bed.

Byron: Okay. See you soon!

Prosperity: Yep *ends call* 

I know that I’ll eventually have to tell Byron that college isn’t my priority, just like I had to tell Gran-Alice. I choose to save that potentially unpleasant conversation for another day.

I walk over to see what Wild is up to.

Prosperity: Hey, Wild.

Wildflower: Hi, Peri.

Keith: *passing by* What’s up, Peri?

Prosperity: Nothing much…

Wildflower: It sounds like you’re not enjoying your time here so far.

Prosperity: You heard that?

Wildflower: I did.

Prosperity: I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for this opportunity, but –

Wildflower: Can I show you something?

Prosperity: Um…

Wildflower: It’s not that far. It’s right up the hill.

Prosperity: Yeah, sure.

Wild puts away her knitting project and leads me away from the camp.

The ground under our feet heats up until it’s almost unbearable the farther away we get from camp. Just around the bend, clouds of orange smoke accost all of our senses…warming our skin, stinging our eyes, and making it hard to breathe.

Prosperity: What the hell? Is that a volcano? Are we living this close to an active volcano?

Wildflower: The locals believe that the ancestors of Mua Pel’am are angry and have reawakened this volcano because of the trashed beaches and influx of uncaring tourists.

Prosperity: Are you serious? They can’t all possibly believe that.

Wildflower: The elders do…and that’s all that matters. It’s a part of a dying culture, and our job here is to help preserve that culture.

Prosperity: Why are you telling me this?

Wildflower: You need to understand that this is not about you or me. It’s bigger than us all. Mr. C has nothing against you, but our resources here are limited. We’re doing the best we can with what we have, so we can’t afford to have people here who don’t take what we do seriously.

Prosperity: Are you saying that I’m not taking it seriously?

Wildflower: None of us did when we first got here. But the longer you stay, and the more you talk to people who are hurting because of the state of things here…your eyes begin to open, and you realize that we’re not here to clean up a bit of trash. We’re here to change lives.

Prosperity: I hear you, Wild. But why does Mr. C have to be such an asshole about it?

Wildflower: He obviously sees something in you, or he’d never have allowed you to stay. He’s just pushing you so that you can discover your potential for yourself.

Prosperity: I don’t need anyone to push me. I volunteered to be here.

Wildflower: Well, show us who you are and what you can do. Together…we can change this place.

My stomach begins to growl, and I realize that I’ve haven’t eaten since this morning.

Prosperity: I think I’m ready to head back now.

Wildflower: Okay…I’ll be down in a bit.

I turn and leave Wild standing there next to the volcano. It’s hard to hear over the noise of the fire, but it sounds as if she’s begun to pray. It makes me wonder if she too believes what the elders believe about the volcano.

Back at camp, I join the others who are standing by, enjoying Keith’s latest meal.

Mr. C joins us.

Craig: Hey, I saw what you did with the dew collector. Nice job.

I almost choke on my food at Mr. C’s first sign of appreciation.

Prosperity: It’s no big deal. It didn’t take long.

Craig: But it’ll mean a decent increase to our water supplies, so it helps.

I watch him walk away wondering if he’s being sincere or just feeling bad about how he treated me earlier.

Maybe it’s like Wild said. Maybe he is just waiting on me to see things the way he does. I turn towards him…

Prosperity: I’m here to help in any way I can.

Craig: Good.

I finish up my meal and head to the lone bathroom before everyone else needs it.

I use the toilet then try out the shower, not expecting the stale brackish water that comes out. No wonder Mr. C chose the waterfall for his shower yesterday. I finish up as quickly as I can, then begin to help gather and clean up the dirty dinner dishes. Mr. C is by the refrigerator making sure there’s enough ice. I think to myself that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.

After I’ve finished helping Keith, I finally find a way to entertain myself before bed. There’s an easel set up near the edge of the camp. I walk over and start on a new painting…hoping that it’ll reflect the mixed feelings that I’ve been feeling lately. Eventually, the camp quiets down and everyone begins to head to their tents. I work for a while, then follow suit…hoping that I’ll eventually get used to Piper’s nighttime noises.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)



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