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Banks Dynasty – Day 10.2 (Part 1)

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Alice wakes up and takes a deep breath, glad to see the light of another day. She’s not sure how many more she has, but she will enjoy this one and continue to help her granddaughter through her situation. She knows what needs to happen next.

I wake up in time to meet Wild for breakfast. I catch Gran and Pop-pop being all lovey-dovey in the morning. It’s beautiful to see them still in love after all these years, but it also reveals that I haven’t experienced that type of love yet. It’s never going to happen with Craig and because of him…it won’t happen with Byron either. I clear my throat, so they know that I’m there.

Alice: *straightens her clothes* Oh, Peri. Good morning.

Prosperity: Good morning, Gran and Pop. I was about to meet a friend for breakfast. I just wanted to let you know.

Alice: Okay, have fun.

It looks like they’re having enough fun for all of us put together, but I keep that to myself and set out to meet Wild. I spot her standing in front of the café when I arrive.

Wildflower: I’m glad you haven’t left Sulani yet.

Prosperity: I’m not exactly in a hurry, but I guess I’ll be leaving soon enough.

Wildflower: Let’s grab a table before it gets crowded.

I follow Wild inside.

I order something to eat and am surprised to see Harper sitting at the table with Wild.

Harper: *waves* Hey Peri. I hope you don’t mind that I tagged along. Miles wanted to come too, but he was assigned work in Lani St. Taz.

Wildflower: Lucky him. That’s the prettiest part of Sulani.

Prosperity: I don’t mind. Glad to see you.

I chat with Harper and Wild for about an hour, discussing my future plans. They let me in on what they plan to do after accomplishing their goals of cleaning up the beaches of Sulani. Wild mentions possibly relocating to Evergreen Harbor. After we’ve caught up, I say my goodbyes and make my way back to Gran and Pop-pop’s house.

I stand near the water by the house for a while before stripping down and stepping in. I swim to the deepest part of the lagoon, fully aware that I’ve been seduced by this place, absorbing the beauty of its colors at an emotional level. I feel good here, but I let my guard down, drinking in too much too soon, allowing it to lead me to places I should have avoided.

Gran meets me at the door when I finally make my way back inside.

Alice: Can we talk in private for a moment?

Prosperity: Uh, yeah, sure.

I follow Gran to my bedroom. Pop-pop, who’s sitting near the TV playing chess, looks up as we steal our way through the open door.

Quincy Sr.: What are you ladies up to?

Alice: *playful tone* Mind your business, old man, this is girlie business.

Prosperity: We’ll be right out pop-pop.

I close the door behind us as Gran sits down on the stool near the door. The playfulness completely leaves her voice.

Alice: I think you should take a pregnancy test.

I’m shocked…

Prosperity: But…I don’t think, uh…why?

Alice: You need to know exactly what you’re dealing with. I picked one up for you while you were out. It’s in the bathroom.

Gran is right, of course, but I’m terrified of taking a pregnancy test. Right now, I can still live in a world of denial. If I take a test, and it’s positive…everything changes.

I can’t exactly tell her no without coming off as being silly and immature. I made an adult decision when I slept with Craig, and now I have to face possible consequences. I go into the bathroom and take the test, only to find out that it’s positive. Shock rains down around me…slowly flooding the room. Then I can feel it inside, threatening to rise up and out of me as nausea.

I don’t know how I manage on my shaky legs, but before I know it…I’m facing my Gran. She stares up at me, already knowing.

Alice: It’s positive.

Prosperity: Yeah…I’m pregnant.

Gran’s face is painted in wrinkles of worry. But not disappointment like I expected.

Prosperity: Can we avoid telling my parents…and Pop-pop for a little while?

Alice: You won’t be able to hide it for long, but it might help to change your shirt.

I look down, realizing that she’s right. I change into a loose blouse…my hands shaking the entire time.

I turn back to her.

Prosperity: Are you mad at me, Gran?

Gran appears to think about it for a brief moment. Then she gets up quickly and pulls me into a hug.

Alice: What’s the point? Maybe this is the Watcher’s way of ensuring that I get to meet my great-grandchild.

Prosperity: You think?

Alice: Who knows. But you’re going down a tough road with this one, child.

Prosperity: I know

Gran pauses then perks up as if she’s come to a big decision.

Alice: The least I can do is made sure you have something healthy to eat.

Prosperity: I need a moment.

Alice: Take all the time you need.

Gran turns and walks out the door. Her mood is solemn and hard to read.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)


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