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Banks Dynasty – Day 7.2 (Part 1)

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Wildflower: Ugh. Why don’t you two get a room?

Miles and Harper giggle and walk off as I emerge from my tent. I wasn’t too happy with Wild yesterday, but I grab breakfast and sit down at the picnic table with her anyway.

Wildflower: I’m sorry about yesterday. I promise it wasn’t me who starting spreading rumors about you and Mr. C. It was Piper.

Prosperity: It’s okay. I’m glad it wasn’t you. By the way, where is Piper? She didn’t sleep in the tent last night.

Wildflower: Mr. C told me that she decided to leave and go back to school early.

Prosperity: In the middle of the night?

Wildflower: I guess she had enough of the conservation life.

Judging from the argument that I overheard between her and Wild…I’d speculate that it was more than that.

Wildflower: Believe me…we’re all a lot better off without her here.

I can’t argue with that.

Prosperity: Hey…we should hang out today.

Wildflower: Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?

Prosperity: I was hoping you’d have an idea.

Wildflower: I can come up with something.

I change clothes and finish up my chores for the day. Then I meet Wild over by her tent.

Prosperity: Where is everyone?

I’m really asking where Mr. C is because I haven’t seen him all morning, but I don’t want to be obvious about it.

Wildflower: Sundays tend to be lazy days around here, so we all usually end up hanging out in our tents or at the beach.

Prosperity: Oh

Wildflower: Are you ready to go?

Prosperity: Yeah

We get up and out to do whatever Wild has planned for us.

I stop in my tracks when we get to the beach, and I see Mr. C emerging from the water. My heart beats in anticipation. I’m glad to see him. He runs right past me, carefully avoiding eye contact. I know that he probably wants to hide what happened between us, but I at least expected a covert smile, a nod of the head, or something.

Craig: Good morning, ladies.

It’s like last night didn’t even happen. Wild quickly picks up on the shift in my mood.

Wildflower: Change of plans…it looks like you could use a drink.

Wild takes me to a local bar. We sit down, and she orders two Barley Bales. After the drinks are served…

Wildflower: Are you okay?

Prosperity: Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just…

I hesitate, hoping that Wild is someone that I can confide in. I decide to risk it because I can use someone to talk to.

Prosperity: You know what everyone was saying about me and Mr. C yesterday?

Wildflower: Yeah

Prosperity: Well, it’s true. It wasn’t at the time, but last night…

Wildflower: Oh…I figured that, based on your reaction when we saw him just now.

I don’t necessarily hear judgment in her tone, but we both know that the situation isn’t good.

Prosperity: Well, the situation is worse than that because I have a boyfriend. I’m wearing his promise ring for Watcher’s sake. *gulps drink* I don’t know what to do. I’ve been accepted into Britechester, and I want to go, but I’m not ready to face Byron, and I’d like to continue helping out here. But, I don’t want things to be awkward between me and Mr. C. *deep sigh* I seem to have a habit of making a mess of things.

Wild listens carefully before responding.

Wildflower: It sounds like you need to be doing what’s best for you and not worry about what Byron or Mr. C thinks about it. You can’t make your decision based on guys. If you want to go to Britechester, then go, but if not…stay because you want to. Not because you’re afraid of your boyfriend’s reactions.

Wild takes a sip of her drink, then excuses herself.

Wildflower: These drinks go right through me…I have to go pee. Be right back.

Wild heads to the bathroom, and I sit and think about what she said. What’s best for me? Wild is right, and deep down, I know I’d still like to experience more of what Sulani has to offer. College isn’t going anywhere, but this opportunity could pass me up. I think I know what I want to do.

There’s a cool outdoor projector set up near the bar, with cozy pillows and cushions for relaxing and watching movies. I head over and take a seat and wait for the next film to start. Wild finishes up in the restroom and joins me. We end up watching the Khlumzie Sisters, which is hilarious no matter how many times I’ve seen it.

After the movie, we head over to listen to the DJ that sets up every Sunday to give the bar some life. Wild and I take to the dance floor and try out the One, Two, Steppin’ dance. I quickly discover that she’s a much better dancer than I am. I compliment her on her moves.

Wildflower: Thanks, I once had ambitions of being a professional dancer.

Prosperity: Well, I’d like to see what you can really do.

I step off the dance floor, and Wild shows off a gorgeous light spinning dance. I’m amazed by her talent as is everyone else nearby who stops and stares. After the dance, we jump on the stage and enjoy the DJ for a bit before returning to camp.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)



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