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Banks Dynasty – Day 7.2 (Part 2)

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I don’t stay at camp long when I discover that Mr. C isn’t there. I suspect that he’s trying to steer clear of me, so I look for him in the research lab. It’s after hours, so I know that he’ll be alone. Sure enough, I find him there sitting at one of the computers.

Prosperity: Have you been avoiding me?

Craig: No, I’ve been doing my job.

Prosperity: I’d like to talk about last night.

Craig: What is there to say besides, it can’t happen again?

Prosperity: Why not?

Craig: There are consequences, and it was a stupid thing to do. I owe you an apology because I lost control. *gets up out of his chair* You should leave.

I get up and walk over to him.

Prosperity: I don’t think you want me to leave.

Craig: What I want and what needs to happen are two different things.

I walk closer to him, and just as I guessed, his mouth is saying one thing, but his body wants another. He pulls me close, and we kiss.

Craig: *pulls back* I’m too damn weak to resist you.

Prosperity: Then don’t…

My words are enough to ignite the fire between us. He swings me over to the wall and presses himself against me. I can hear him quietly cursing to himself into my neck. He removes his shirt and pulls down his pants. I do the same.

He lifts me up, and I hold on tight as our passion fills the room. When he’s finished, he places me back on my feet.

Craig: We can’t keep doing this.

Prosperity: Why not? We’re both grown. What? You think my daddy’s gonna find out?

As soon as I say it, Craig backs away and quickly pulls his clothes back on.

Craig: Dammit Peri…that’s what I mean. You’re barely more than a damn child. I shouldn’t have f*#king let this happen.

Prosperity: I’m not a child!

He turns back quickly.

Craig: Well, you damn sure sound like one. You need to go to Britechester. Go to school… makeup with your boyfriend. Get your degree. I’m not the right person for you. This is going nowhere. It can’t happen again.

Prosperity: Why do you keep saying that? What’s wrong with us being together?

Craig: I’m not looking to be in a relationship.

Prosperity: Who says I want a relationship?

Craig: It doesn’t matter what you want. This stops right here, right now.

Prosperity: It’s amazing to me how you’re so righteous after woohoo, but never during!

Craig: I’m obviously not perfect, but you seem content on taking full advantage of that! Just go.

I don’t argue this time. I turn and walk out the door. Nothing he’s saying makes sense to me. I don’t understand why he’s making our situation more complicated than it has to be. He obviously can’t get enough of me, and I feel the same way about him. If he wants to end our affair, then I have a real problem because I don’t quite know how to resist my desire for him, and leaving for college isn’t exactly going to turn that off.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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