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Banks Dynasty – Day 9.2 (Part 1)

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Alice: *knocking on bathroom door* Peri! Peri! Are you in there?

I climb out of my tent when I hear my name called. I’m surprised to see Gran.

Prosperity: Gran, what are you doing here? Is everything okay with pop-pop?

Alice: Everything’s fine with us. *big hug* But we need to talk about you!

Gran sits and waits as I prepare my breakfast. I can see the disapproval written all over her face as she looks around at the dirty clothes piles and empty plates lying around. I walk over to join her with my food.

Alice: *fans her face* Ugh, it smells like a combination of the sea and feet here. And I think I’m sitting in something wet!

Gran gets up from her seat.

Prosperity: So what’s up? What did you want to talk about?

Alice: I want to know why you’re still here? We didn’t invite you to Sulani to throw your life away.

Prosperity: I’m not throwing my life away.

Alice: Then, what are you doing? Look around this place. You’re better than this.

Prosperity: I’m making a difference, gran.

Alice: To whom? Do you think Britechester is going to hold your spot forever? You’re playing a dangerous game. You’re throwing away opportunities as if they just come raining down from the sky, and for what…to live in a tent?

With everything that’s been going on, I’m not surprised at the blues that suddenly come flooding me. I’ve been holding a lot in, and I feel myself tearing up.

Prosperity: I’m sorry, gran.

Gran-Alice comes and sits down next to me.

Alice: I’m not here to beat up on you, Peri. But I want you back with us, and then I want you to enroll in school as soon as you can.

Prosperity: I know. I need to.

Alice: *softer tone* Then what’s holding you here, sweetheart? I’m not trying to push my will on you. I just want what’s best for you. I’m afraid you do not see the bigger picture.

Prosperity: I’ve made a big mistake, gran. I don’t want to go into it now, but I don’t know how to deal with it.

Alice: We all make mistakes, Peri. There’s no shame in that. But in my old age, I’ve learned that you can’t fix a mistake by stewing in it. Stop sitting in this cesspool. Get back up! Come back home to me and your pop-pop. And we’ll help you get into school. Okay?

Prosperity: Okay. I have a few loose ends to tie up here, but I’ll move back in today.

Alice: Really?

Prosperity: Yes, gran, it’s time.

Alice: I’m pleased to hear that. Please don’t make me have to come back out here, Peri. If I do, it’ll be with guns blazing.

Prosperity: Yes, ma’am.

Gran gets up quickly as if she couldn’t bear to spend another minute at the camp.

Harper walks over after gran has left.

Harper: Who was that?

Prosperity: That was my grandmother.

Harper: Are you leaving us?

Prosperity: I was only supposed to be staying for the summer anyway, so…yeah, it’s time.

Harper: Your grandmother doesn’t seem very supportive of what we do here.

Prosperity: Don’t take offense. That’s just the way she is.

I’d feel bad just leaving without saying goodbye to everyone, so I decide to stick around and wait for everyone to return from working out on the different islands. I complete my chores while I wait. Just as I’m finishing up, I spot Craig talking to a woman.

My stomach sinks because I can tell from their body language that they aren’t having just a casual conversation. There is a familiarity between the two of them as if they’ve been intimate before. My suspicions are confirmed when Craig pulls her close to him. I have no idea how long Craig has been seeing this woman. I wonder if she’s the reason why he was intent on pushing me away.

For just a moment, I see a flash of anger. I could easily mess up anything Craig is trying to build with this woman by going over and confronting him. I can let her in on all the juicy details of my encounters with him at the waterfall, the research lab, and in his tent last night. But I stop.

It’s not worth it. I’d only be playing myself. I pull out my phone to check the schedule of the next ferry leaving for Ohan’ali, the island where my grandparents live. Craig and the woman head towards his tent. As soon as I know I’m out of their line of sight, I head towards the ferry stop. I guess I won’t be saying goodbye to everyone, after all.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)




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