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Banks Dynasty – Day 9.2 (Part 2)

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The door is unlocked for me when I arrive at my grandparents’ house. Pop-pop hurries over and gives me a big hug.

Quincy Sr.: We’ve missed you, darling!

Prosperity: I’ve missed you, too.

It’s true; I did miss them. I walk over to gran next.

After we hug…

Prosperity: Thanks for letting me come back here. I feel stupid for leaving.

Alice: We’ve all done things that have felt stupid, but it’s all a part of growing into who we are. I’m glad you’re back.

Prosperity: Can I be excused?  I want to take a long hot bubble bath.

Alice: Please do!

I’m so happy to be back inside of a real house that I  ignore the slight shade.

I go through the door to the bathroom attached to the room I was staying in before I left. I run a bath and stare down at my promise ring from Byron for a long time before I finally remove it. I broke that promise when I got involved with Craig, so I don’t feel like I deserve to wear it anymore. I sit in the tub until the water is barely warm, and my skin is all wrinkly. After I’ve soaked the last week away, I find some fresh clothes in the dresser of my room…all the stuff that I left behind when I decided to move out of my grandparent’s home.

My parents call me soon after. I assume Gran-Alice alerted them that I was back. I’d have liked to tell them myself, but it’s good to hear from them either way. After a brief conversation, I go and sit on the bed, realizing how much I’ve missed sleeping in a real bed. Tents, sleeping bags, and cots will never compare.

It doesn’t take long for Peri to fall asleep. Alice walks in to check and see if she’d like something to eat, but she doesn’t dare wake her. Watcher knows that the girl could probably use some decent sleep. Alice steps out of the room and closes the door softly behind her, happy that she’s accomplished her goal of bringing Peri back to them. She’s been feeling incredibly tired lately. She figures that her time is coming, but she now that she knows her granddaughter is going to be okay…she welcomes it.

After an unexpected nap, I wake to my phone buzzing. I check the caller ID and see that it’s Wild. I immediately feel bad for leaving so suddenly.

Prosperity: *on the phone* Hey, Wild.

Wildflower: *on the phone* Peri! What the heck? I get back to camp and find out you moved out suddenly. I know you wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye. What happened?

I don’t feel like going into the details of running into Craig and his new “plaything,” so I make up a believable excuse.

Prosperity: I just felt incredibly homesick suddenly. I’m sorry for not saying goodbye.

Wildflower: Well, it’s not too late. You’re still in Sulani, right? Can we meet up tomorrow?

Prosperity: Sure. There’s a coffee shop right up the street from my grandparents’ house. Meet me for breakfast?

Wildflower: Sounds good. See you at 9?

Prosperity: I’ll be there.

Hunger has caught up with me, so I check the refrigerator knowing that Gran and Pop-pop always have something good stored away in there. I sit down on the couch, and Gran joins me.

Alice: It didn’t take much convincing to get you to leave that place. I had a whole speech planned. Did something happen? You mentioned making a mistake…?

My face falls immediately. There’s no hiding anything, so I decide to tell her.

Prosperity: Someone happened, but it was my fault.  I pursued him and put myself out there for someone that didn’t deserve it.

Alice: It takes two to tango, honey. It’s not your fault if he was willing. Please tell me you used protection.

Prosperity: Well…

Alice: Oh, Peri. What if…? Oh, I can’t even say it.

Prosperity: I know, I was stupid.

Gran sighs once then responds in a calm voice.

Alice: It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. We’ll cross whatever bridge we have to cross when the time comes.

Prosperity: You’re not mad?

Alice: Mad? No. I can’t be mad at you for making mistakes that a lot of us have made at one time or another.

Prosperity: Even you?

Alice: Well, *chuckles to herself* your Pop-pop wasn’t exactly my first.

That’s a story that I’d like to hear more of, but I don’t think either one of us are prepared for that conversation right now.

I finish my dinner as Gran asks me how I spent the rest of my time at camp. I tell her about some of the friends I met, like Wild and Miles, and how our work helped make Mua Pel’am cleaner and a bit prettier. She eventually grows tired and excuses herself for bed. I return to the kitchen to clean up, feeling that a heavy load has been dropped from my shoulders just from having someone to confide in. My Gran is not the easiest person to get along with. She’s the reason I left in the first place, but I feel that deep down, she does understand why I did the things that I did.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)




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