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Banks Dynasty – Day 11.2 (Part 2)

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Daddy walks over.

Quincy Jr.: *confused* But Byron’s in Britechester. He came to say goodbye to us before he left.

Prosperity: It’s not Byron’s baby, daddy.

Quincy Jr.: What the heck do you mean, Peri?

Alida: Whose baby is it?

Prosperity: It – it’s just not Byron’s.

Quincy Jr.: *let down* I can’t deal with you right now, Peri.

Daddy sits down at the desk. Mama takes over…

Alida: *demanding tone* Who’s baby is it, Peri?

Prosperity: That’s not something that I want to discuss.

Alida: *angry frustration* Peri, I swear to the watcher.

Prosperity: Ma, I’m a grown woman. It’s my business who the father of my baby is.

Quincy Jr.: *blows up* What bills do you pay? You technically still live with us. Until that changes, you’re not a grown woman. Now, who’s the damn father?

Daddy’s tone frightens me. I’ve seen him angry before, but right now, he’s furious. I know he’s at the edge of his patience, but I’m determined to push on. Luckily, my little brother walks into the house, giving me a well-needed distraction.

I hold on to Merit, my temporary safety net, for as long as I can. Surely mama and daddy will keep their temper around him.

Prosperity: Look how big you are! I’m so sorry that I forgot to call you on your birthday. As you can see, I’m dealing with a lot.

Merit: It’s okay.

Behind me, I can hear mama and daddy talking to one another.

Alida: *to Q* We’re about to have two funerals.

Quincy Jr.: I’m with you on that.

I try to prolong the moment with Merit for as long as possible, while my parents continue to speak to one another in hushed angry voices, inaudible to me.

Prosperity: So how’s school? And how’s Auntie Michelle and Roni?

I can tell that Merit is finding it hard to answer me with all the tension in the air, but he fills me in as much as he can.

Time is up.

Quincy Jr.: Peri, get over here right now!

Alida: *to Q Jr.* We can’t make her tell us. She’s right; it’s her business.

Quincy Jr.: We can keep asking until she has no choice.

My strong front withers away. I can’t stand what this situation has done to my relationship with my parents. The disapproval in their eyes is not familiar to me. I wipe away the tears that threaten to form in my eyes and approach my father.

Prosperity: Yes, daddy.

Quincy Jr.: Does he know? Have you told the father?

Prosperity: No, I don’t think he’d want to know.

Quincy Jr.: The hell? Don’t you think he needs to take responsibility, too?

Prosperity: It’s my fault that this has happened.

Alida: Your fault? You do know how a baby is made, right?

Prosperity: Of course.

Alida: Then you know it’s not just your fault.

Prosperity: I know mama, but the situation is complicated.

Somewhere during this conversation, Merit changes into his swimwear and heads out the door. I’m sure he’d rather avoid the whole situation.

Quincy Jr.: *gets up out of his seat* What’s complicated is me walking around this island questioning every dude I see, unless you tell us who this guy is.

Prosperity: *defeated* Okay daddy. You win…I’ll tell you!

Prosperity: *continues* His name is Craig Conway. I met him at the conservation camp.

Quincy Jr.: *looks at Alida* You satisfied with that?

Alida: We have to be.

Quincy Jr.: Well, I’m not.

Pop-pop sits in the corner, quietly eating food that he can’t taste through his grief. His wife Alice has been gone less than 24 hours, and already his family is imploding. He wishes he had her strength right about now.  She didn’t always say things with tact, but she’d know exactly how to handle this situation. His heart hurts, longing for her.

Daddy hangs his head and walks towards the door.

Prosperity: *panicked, to Alida* Where’s he going?

Alida: Where are you going, Q?

Quincy Jr.: I need to get some air.

Prosperity: He’s going to confront him, isn’t he?

Alida: I don’t know, Peri. I’ve never seen him like this before.

Great. I’ve broken my own father’s heart.

Q Jr. steps out the door and just stands in place for at least 10 minutes. His daughter has put herself in a situation and he’s not sure what he can do to help. He starts walking, hoping that a solution comes to him. For now, he lets his emotions guide him.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

Amid all the family drama, we have to acknowledge that Merit has aged up to a teen!

(Merit’s Aspiration: Computer Whiz/Quick Learner Trait: Squeamish, Active, Happy Toddler)




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