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Banks Dynasty – Day 11.2 (Part 3)

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Before Q Jr. realizes it, he’s at the conservation camp. He has to get to the bottom of this thing with Peri. He approaches the first guy he sees.

Quincy Jr.: You Craig Conway? *sits down across from Miles*

Miles looks up, not sure what to make of this strange guy’s threatening tone.

Miles: Uh, no, sir. He’s, uh, not here right now.

Q Jr. looks this guy over. He’s a good looking guy, and he’s around Peri’s age. But Q is sure that he’s the wrong guy.

Quincy Jr.: You know where I can find him?

Miles: He’s out in the field, meaning that he can be anywhere.

Q Jr. gets up from his seat and looks around. The only other person he sees is a girl who’s also around Peri’s age. Craig definitely isn’t here, but Q Jr. decides to wait as long as it takes until he arrives.

I’m terrified of what daddy might do if he finds Craig. I don’t get why he feels the need to seek out the father of my baby. I walk over to mama, who’s sitting on the couch.

Prosperity: I don’t get why you and daddy are so upset. I’m just having a baby. It’s not like I killed somebody.

Alida: That’s the problem, right there. There’s no such thing as “just” having a baby, Peri. Your whole life is about to change. Everything you do and think about from now on will have to revolve around this child.

Prosperity: I know

Alida: Do you? Because I don’t think you do.  This baby comes first no matter what. You can’t just do what you want to do like you’re used to doing. There’s no going out and kicking it on a whim… or moving out because you feel like it. We wanted more for you. We wanted you to have a chance to grow into your adulthood without the burden of having to care for a child.

Prosperity: You think the baby will be a burden? Was I a burden?

Alida: *deep, thoughtful sigh* No, but I admit that I wasn’t ready to be a mother. You know what my mother said to me when she saw that I was pregnant?

Prosperity: What?

Alida: She took one look at my belly and said, “now he’ll be forced to take care of you.”

Prosperity: Wow, ma! She said that?

Alida: Yes, because that’s what she was taught growing up. That a baby is a way to trap a man, but it should never be about that. Having a baby is a beautiful thing. Daddy and I can’t wait to be grandparents, but we worry about the difficulties that may come from it. And it’s tough to think about you going at it alone.

I feel a slight stirring in my belly. I touch it, not sure if it’s gas or the first movements from the baby.

Prosperity: But mama, Craig, and I didn’t have a real relationship. It was just about the woohoo. He made it clear that he doesn’t want more from me.

Just hearing that come out of my mouth makes me feel used and incredibly stupid.

Alida: I’m sorry, honey. That has to be tough. We never asked, how do you feel about the baby?

I think long and hard and come to a sudden realization.

Prosperity: I haven’t really thought about it in terms of how I feel, only about how all of you would feel. Now I’ve made a mess of everything. Gran is gone, and her last thoughts were of me and my situation. Now daddy’s out there, probably ready to kill Craig. What if he does something terrible and ends up in jail or something? It would be my fault.

Alida: It wouldn’t be your fault. We decided to react the way we did. Your daddy’s a sensible man. He won’t hurt Craig. I promise. And I’m sorry that we haven’t considered your feelings. You witnessed the death of your grandmother…and we swoop in and make things worse for you.

Prosperity: I’m sorry, too, for not giving you a fair warning. You both lost gran also, and then you come and see me like this.

Ma gets up from the couch.

Alida: Come here…

I get up, and she pulls me into her arms.

Alida: I forgive you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us.

Prosperity: Of course, always.

Q Sr. walks into his bedroom and suddenly feels the presence of his wife all around him…hovering just like she used to do when she was alive and had something important to tell him; something that he probably wasn’t going to like.

Quincy Sr.: Alice? Is that you, baby?

The candles on the dresser suddenly flicker, sending a chill up his spine.

Quincy Sr.: Well? What is it? Say what you have to say, woman. *braces himself*

Q Jr. sits until his legs begin to get numb. Finally, an older guy approaches him.

Craig: May I help you?

Quincy Jr.: You know where I can find Craig Conway?

Craig: I’m Craig Conway.

Quincy Jr.: Senior? I think I’m looking for your son.

Craig: I’m the only Craig Conway. What do you want?

Q can’t believe it. He doesn’t want to believe it.

Quincy Jr.: WTF, man? Your old ass is the one that got my daughter pregnant?

Q Jr. stands up to face this man eye to eye.

Craig: Pregnant? Are you crazy? What the hell are you talking about?

Craig shakes his head and begins to walk away.

Quincy Jr.: My daughter, Prosperity Banks…she’s pregnant with your child.

Q Jr. hurries over and cuts him off.

Craig: Now, I know you’re crazy. Is this about money? My family indeed has plenty, but they won’t take too kindly to extortion.

Quincy Jr.: Does it look like I need your money? This is about taking care of your responsibility.

Craig: Look, man…I haven’t seen your daughter since she just up and left. How do I even know it’s mine? I didn’t exactly have to pry her legs open, you know.

Q Jr. swears he sees a flash of red. He thinks of all the pressure points on Craig’s body and all ways he could seriously hurt him. He’d love to hurt him and see blood spewing out of his broken nose right about now. Q can do it too. He knows exactly where to land the punch. His dad taught him years ago. But he takes a deep breath. He needs to be there for his family.

Quincy Jr.: You know what? Never mind, Peri was right not to want to involve you. My grandbaby will be better off without you.

Q Jr. turns and walks away.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)



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