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Banks Dynasty – Day 11.2 (Part 4)

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Q Jr. spots pop on the porch when he returns from the camp.

Quincy Sr.: Come and have a seat, son.

Quincy Jr.: Yes, sir.

Q Jr. shuffles over and sits down.

Quincy Sr.: I had a talk with your mother.

Quincy Jr.: When?

Quincy Sr.: Just now

Q Jr. is instantly concerned about his dad’s mental state.

Quincy Jr.: You okay, pop?

Quincy Sr.: I’m fine. The question is, are you okay because you are really messing up right now.

Quincy Jr.: How? By being concerned about my daughter?

Quincy Sr.: Oh, that was concern, because it sounded a lot like bullying. That child just found out that she’s pregnant, then witnessed the death of her grandmother. Do you think she needs you all up in her face? *deep sigh* You’re just like your mother.

Quincy Jr.: Pop…why would you say that? Mom’s gone.

Quincy Sr.: You don’t think I know that! *pause* It’s the truth. I loved that woman more than the air that I breathe. But I didn’t always agree with how she dealt with things. Did you forget how she was when she found out that you and Alida were expecting? How she practically cussed you out and called Alida all out of her name?

Quincy Jr.: *hurt tone* No. I never told Alida about any of that either.

Quincy Sr.: Well, your mother wants you to remember that and what it felt like. She told me that she’s not proud of that moment and it’s one of her biggest regrets in life because the relationship between you and her never really recovered from that.  Don’t make this situation with Peri into that all over again. You hear me? Go and make it right with your daughter.

Q Jr. thinks about it and realizes that his father is right.

Quincy Jr.: I only want to protect her, pops. You understand that, right?

Quincy Sr.: I’ve understood that a lot longer than you have. You and your sister are everything to me. This family is everything. None of us are perfect, but love and understanding always have to win the day if we hope to keep it all together, especially now that your mother is gone.

Quincy Jr.: Okay. You’re right. But pop, did you really talk to ma?

Quincy Sr.:  Do you honestly think the grave is strong enough to keep that stubborn woman from having the last say?

Q Jr. chuckles as he answers that question in his head.

Daddy enters the house slowly. I avert my eyes from him, still feeling the shame that I felt earlier.

Quincy Jr.: Peri…can we talk?

Prosperity: It depends.

Quincy Jr.: On what?

Prosperity: Did you go and confront him?

Quincy Jr.: I did.

Prosperity: Then, we have nothing to talk about.

Quincy Jr.: I realize that I shouldn’t have. I should have trusted your judgment.

That doesn’t make it better. I continue eating in silence.

Daddy continues after realizing that I’m not going to respond.

Quincy Jr.: He’s so much older than you, Peri. Did he take advantage of you?

Prosperity: No, but would it matter? The situation is still the same.

Quincy Jr.: But, Peri –

Prosperity: I don’t want to talk about it, daddy. *takes another bite of food*

Daddy sighs in frustration and sits down next to mama.

Quincy Jr.: I’m sorry, Peri. I truly am.

Prosperity: But the damage is done. I’m sure you only made things worse between him and me.

Quincy Jr.: I did what I did trying to help you.

Prosperity: I didn’t need your help, and I definitely didn’t ask for it.

Quincy Jr.: I know, I –

The conversation is interrupted by his cell. He checks the caller ID and sees that it’s my Aunt Sophia. He answers the call.

I listen to daddy talk to Aunt Sophia about helping pop-pop make arrangements for gran’s funeral. I realize that he’s going through a lot right now, and finding out about my pregnancy was the last straw. But he still had no right to invade my privacy like that and take away my chance to deal with Craig on my own. Suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, I get up and take my empty plate to the kitchen.

After getting off the phone, daddy stands up to come after me, but mama advises him to give me time. I retreat to my bedroom, rush to the bathroom to throw up everything I just ate, and lie down to take a much-needed nap.

Q Jr., Alida, and Merit sit down to eat.

Quincy Jr.: I really messed up this time. Do you think Peri will ever forgive me?

Alida: She already has; it’s just the anger that she has to work through now.

Quincy Jr.: Babe, I don’t know how she got mixed up with this guy. He’s at least a decade older than her. And to top it off, he’s a complete asshole. He could care less about Peri or his baby. I wanted to punch him right in his face. The things he said about her…

Alida: I get it, but it’s her situation to sort through. We have no idea what actually happened between them.

Quincy Jr.: Yeah, I know. It’s just so frustrating to feel helpless when somebody messes with your child.

Q sits for a while at the table after Alida and Merit have gone to bed. Pop walks over to fill him in on what happens next.

Quincy Sr.: The arrangements have been made. We bury your mother tomorrow.

Quincy Jr.: Already?

Quincy Sr.: Your mother had already taken care of everything. All we have to do is show up.

Quincy Jr.: Sounds just like ma.

Quincy Sr.: Is your sister going to make it?

Quincy Jr.: Yes, she and Duane will be here first thing in the morning.

Quincy Sr.: Good, go rest up. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)




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