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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 2)

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Work and Finances

Merlin has plenty of time before work, so he decides to take a soak in the tub rather than take his usual quick shower. Jalisa walks into the bathroom, feeling a bit disappointed that she missed out on possibly joining him for that bath. She settles for a kiss instead.

Merlin: How do you feel about starting your new job today?

Jalisa: How hard can it be? It’s just writing, right?

Merlin thinks that it can be very hard, but he doesn’t want to burst her confidence bubble.

Jalisa: I’ll be late for my first day if I don’t hurry and take a shower, though.

Watching her drop her towel and step into the shower threatens to make them both late for work. All he can think about is how much he’d love to join her.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Merlin brews a pot of healthy green tea. He carries his mug to the table and takes a seat. Jalisa walks over and joins him.

Merlin: I made tea if you’d like some.

Jalisa: Thanks, but I’m more of a coffee person.

Merlin: Why don’t you have a coffee pot then? I could have some ready for you.

Jalisa: I usually grab some on my way to where I’m going.

Merlin: Every day?

Jalisa: Well, not every day. But most days.

Merlin calculates in his head how much she’d save if she made her coffee.

Jalisa: I’d better go. Love you!

Merlin: Love you, too!

Jalisa slides her chair back and gets up to leave. She stops for coffee at the food stand in the park near their home on her way to work.  At work, she gets a fantastic opportunity, but it comes at a cost.

Jalisa arrives home from work and attempts to rub away the tension formed in her neck and shoulders. She was naïve to think that taking a job in the writing career would be easier than law. The work and stress levels are the same.

Jalisa checks the mail, glad to see there aren’t any bills. She takes the time to vote for the latest neighborhood initiative, hoping to avoid extreme eco-friendly options such as reduced water consumption. She needs her showers every day.

It’ll be some time before Merlin gets home from work, so Jalisa revisits the park’s food vendor and orders herself a hamburger. She sits down at a nearby bench to eat it.

Merlin arrives home after a significantly less stressful day at work. He’s even earned the opportunity to make more money as an independent consultant. Just as he’s about to enter the house, he receives a text from Jalisa informing him that she’s at the park next door. He walks over and sees her enjoying a burger from the food stand. If she had just waited, he knows that he could have prepared something much better for her. And it wouldn’t have cost as much as one of the overpriced, super greasy food stand meals.

Merlin sits down at the picnic table.

Merlin: How was work?

Jalisa: It was so much more stressful than I thought it would be, but I’m gaining some celebrity and making a name for myself.

Merlin: Is that what you want?

Jalisa: I’m not sure, but you know what I am sure about?

Merlin: What’s that?

Jalisa: I want to go to the spice festival.

Merlin agrees to go to the festival, although spicy food isn’t his thing. He’ll endure it to make her happy. They decide to try the spicy curry challenge right away, rather than working their way up to it.

The first few bites seem bearable, that is, until the full effects of the spice hit the back of their throats. Suddenly their eyes are watering, and sweat is breaking out all over their bodies. Jalisa’s tongue is literally on fire.

Jalisa: Whew! This is a bit much.

Jalisa fails the challenge, but Merlin comes out victorious. He’s just as shocked as Jalisa is. He’s never really eaten spicy food before. Jalisa stares at his newly acquired spice fest shirt with envy.

Merlin: Maybe next time, babe.

Jalisa soothes her bruised ego by buying some swag at the merchandise booth. She purchases every spice they have to offer along with some fireworks. Merlin, used to being very budget-minded with his business funds, watches in disbelief as she makes what, in his opinion, are unnecessary purchases. Then as evening approaches and the festival lights up (my explanation for the sudden change in lighting), he’s practically beside himself as Jalisa throws money away in the fountain. He makes a mental note that he and Jalisa will have to discuss handling finances very soon. He’s happy when she agrees to join him on the dance floor, which is free entertainment.

They dance until it begins to get late, and it’s time for them to go home. Merlin takes Jalisa’s hand and looks into her eyes. He knows that they still have a long way to go before they really know each other, but he has a lot of love in his heart for her, although they differ in how they deal with certain things.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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