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Banks Dynasty – Day 30.3

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Early the following day, after leaving Kai and Me-Me’s house and instructing Terra to help her baby sister inside…

Veronica: That was an excellent way to spend Winterfest.

Merit: Nothing beats spending time with family. But you know what would make it even better?

Veronica: No. What?

Merit gently kisses Roni on the cheek, then drops down on one knee. He pulls out a ring and holds it up.

Merit: If you’d be my wife in the New Year – Roni, I’ve been in love with you my whole life. We’ve had so many ups and downs, but this move has done wonders. We’re in a good place, and I want to make it even better. So please say you’ll marry me, baby.

Merit has proposed to Roni so many times over the years. She even tried proposing to him once, but they both knew they weren’t ready each time. This time feels different. Although Roni still has years of therapy to work out some of her issues, she realizes that Merit is right. They are in a good place. Now is the time, and she’s known forever that Merit is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

Veronica: Yes. I’ll marry you, Meri!

Merit jumps up and kisses his fiancé, then lifts her into his arms and carries her into the house. Alida and Michelle’s legacies will finally be joined in marriage.

We are in the final stretch of Me-Me’s pregnancy, and I think we’re both just beginning to realize it. I wake up with a strange pang in my stomach. For a moment, I think it’s sympathy pains, but then I realize that I’m just hungry.

I get dressed for farm work and meet Me-Me downstairs for breakfast.

Me-Me goes to the refrigerator and pulls out some of the leftover Roast Duck from our Winterfest party.

Kai: Isn’t that more like dinner than breakfast?

I get up to clean my dish while Me-Me sits down.

Melisa: Never question a pregnant woman’s food choices.

Kai: My mistake.

Me-Me leans over and groans in pain as she rubs her back. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable she must be. Yet, it amazes me that she never complains.

I sit back down next to her and pull out my computer.

Kai: I’m thinking that we should probably come up with some baby names.

Melisa: Yeah, this baby could be here any moment now. Do you have any ideas?

Kai: There’s a parent forum here where you can find parenting advice. There’s also a list of possible names.

Melisa: Like what?

Kai: Hmmm, what do you think of Casper?

Melisa: Like the ghost? No way

Kai: Okay, here’s a variation – Castor.

Melisa: After a star – no. Let’s try some girl names.

Kai: Ida?

Melisa: Too old

Kai: Sonya?

Melisa: It’s pretty but maybe too basic

Kai: You and your siblings have combo names, right? From both of your parents?

Melisa: Yes

Kai: We could try that.

Melisa: Hmmm, let’s see –  Kailisa?

Kai: Or just Lisa

Melisa: But we need parts of both our names for it to work.

Kai: Mekai?

Melisa: No

Kai: I don’t think our names work as well as your parents’ names did.

Melisa: Yeah, no combo names.

Kai: *frustrated* How can we be expected to come up with a name for someone that they’ll be forced to use for the rest of their lives?

Melisa: Don’t worry. We’ll figure something out.

Kai: But we’re running out of time!

Melisa: You don’t have to name a baby right away. It’s okay if they’re born before they are named.

Me-Me gets up to clean her plate.

Kai: So a nameless baby? That doesn’t seem odd to you? What do we call them in the meantime? Baby X?

Melisa: We’ll come up with something. Don’t worry!

I hope so. But in the meantime, I need to get to work, so I get up and head outside.

While Kai is outside, Me-Me pulls out a journal that she’s been keeping since the start of her pregnancy. She reads over some of her thoughts and sees that she started jotting down a few names soon after discovering her pregnancy. There’s one that she’s had in mind for a while. It’s a family name, and she’s sure that Kai would like it. Maybe she can keep it on standby if they don’t come up with anything else. She closes the book, puts on warmer clothes, and heads outside.

After a few minutes of tinkering at her robotics station, Me-Me realizes that being on her feet too long is probably not a good idea. Her back hurts, and the baby is doing jumping jacks on her bladder. So maybe sitting down with her feet up reading – inside where she’s closer to a bathroom, will be a better way to spend her day.

I can’t get the naming thing out of my head. I wonder how my mom came up with my name. Did it have something to do with my dad? Maybe I’ll ask her one day. But, for now, I have bees to tend to. It’s a job that I’ve put off for a while because messing around with a hive of bees sounds scary. But I rely on my in-class training to get the job done with only a few bee stings.

After a shower, we warm up some dinner and sit on the couch to eat. After we’ve finished, Me-Me jumps up to wash the dishes before I can stop her.

Kai: I can do that. You should be resting.

Melisa: I’m not helpless, Kai. I’ve been sitting and reading for most of the day. You’re the one doing all the work out on the farm.

I can’t argue with that, and I am tired.

But I still can’t resist the urge to make sure she’s comfortable when she comes back to sit beside me on the couch. So I give her a nice gentle back massage. She seems to appreciate it.

Melisa: What did I do to deserve that?

Kai: A lot – you’re carrying our baby. It’s the least I can do.

Melisa: It’s not so bad.

Kai: No?

Melisa: Nonow that the sickness has passed. But it’ll still be nice when it’s all over. But I think maybe we can do something to hurry things along a bit.

Kai: Like what?

Me-Me leans over and whispers all sorts of things that I love hearing in my ear. Suddenly, I have a new burst of energy as we head upstairs to try some of them out.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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