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Banks Dynasty – Day 19.2 (Part 2)

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I answer the door, shocked to see daddy standing there.

Prosperity: Daddy! What are you doing here?

Quincy Jr.: I needed to check on you. I know how close you and pop were.

Prosperity: You flew way out here to see me?

Quincy Jr.: That’s what dad’s do.  I stopped here on my way to Sulani to handle ma and pop’s estate.

Overly aware of how cold it is outside, I open the door and lead him into the house.

Prosperity: Wild, this is my dad, Q. Daddy, this is my friend Wild.

Wild and daddy greet one another before I take him to the kitchen so that we can talk.

Prosperity: How are you holding up?

Quincy Jr.: I don’t think it’s quite hit me yet. I was convinced that pop would outlive me.

I realize that my dad has come all this way, and I haven’t even hugged him yet. I think briefly about how rough things were between us when he first found out I was pregnant. That feels like it’s been ages ago now. It doesn’t matter anymore. I step over, and he quickly pulls me into his arms.

Prosperity: I’m so glad you’re here.

Quincy Jr.: Me too.

Kai, always ready to greet anyone he comes into contact with, walks over and looks up at his Pop-pop. I step out of the kitchen to give them a moment.

Quincy Jr.: There’s my grandson. Look how big you are!

Kai: We play?

Quincy Jr.: Sure, what do you want to play?

Kai leads daddy into the living room and pulls out his blocks, just as Wild announces that it’s time for her to go. I put on my coat and gloves and walk her out.

I thank Wild for coming as she heads back home. She’s the only friend I have right now, and I cherish that more than anything. After Wild has left, I walk over to my tenant Harvey who’s making a snow pal with his bare hands.

Prosperity: *to Harvey* It’s freezing. How can you stand being out here with no gloves?

Harvey: I’m from Windenburg. I’m used to it.

Craig is also from Windenburg. I wonder if Harvey is familiar with him or his family, but I don’t dare ask.

Prosperity: *frowns* I grew up in the desert. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. I thought the snow was beautiful at first, but now it’s getting old.

Harvey: Snow, for me, is like sand and heat for you. It just seems to be a part of your DNA after a while.

Prosperity: I guess you have a point. *pause* Well, I can no longer feel my face, so I’m going inside.

I turn and walk away.

Harvey: *chuckles* See you later!

I reenter the house and find daddy reading Kai a story. Kai usually pulls out a book when he begins to get sleepy. I hope this impromptu storytime means that he’ll be ready for bed soon. I haven’t had a moment to myself since I got the news about Pop-pop. I can use a break.

As if the Watcher has heard my prayers, Kai begins to yawn before daddy has even finished the story.

Quincy Jr.: I think somebody is ready for bed.

Prosperity: I agree. *To Kai* Come, let’s get you in bed.

Quincy Jr.: I’ll take him.

Prosperity: Thanks, daddy.

I’m happy to have some help. Daddy leads Kai to his bedroom while I complete my painting.

Once Kai is down for his nap…

Quincy Jr.: I can’t leave here until I’m 100% sure that you’re going to be okay.

Prosperity: I’m trying, daddy, but thinking about him dying there alone – I just can’t stop blaming myself for leaving so soon.

Quincy Jr.: I get how you feel. He was just with us for Winterfest, and we tried to get him to stay through the New Year, but he insisted on getting back to Sulani.

Prosperity: But why? Why would he want to be alone?

Quincy Jr.: That’s the thing, Peri. He wasn’t alone. He had mom there.

Prosperity: Are you talking about a ghost?

Quincy Jr.: Nothing like that, but when you’re with someone for as long as ma and pop was…they never really leave you. He could still see her in every crevice of that house. Maybe not in physical form, but through memories.

I could see that. I can only hope that Pop-pop was exactly where he wanted to be.

Prosperity: So what happens with the house now? Will you and mom move there?

Quincy Jr.: Your Aunt Sophia and I agreed to turn the house back to a rental, so we all can enjoy it. It’s what they would have wanted.

It’s a good idea. The house will stay in the family throughout the generations. I can imagine Gran-Alice and Pop-pop both being very happy with that.

Prosperity: Thanks for coming, daddy. I’ll be okay. I promise. I even registered for classes today. I start Monday.

Quincy Jr.: Then I’ve done my duty. I’d better go. I’m supposed to be meeting your Aunt in Sulani this evening. Love you – kiss Kai for me.

Prosperity: Love you, too. I will!

Daddy steps out the door.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)





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