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Banks Dynasty – Day 20.2 (Part 2)

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After talking to Piper, Kai and I leave the park and wander around Windenburg to see what it has to offer. There are clubs, a gym, a public pool and all sorts of things to do here. I also discover a beauty salon and spa that seem promising. I step inside and approach the receptionist.

Prosperity: Do you take walk-ins? I’d like to see if someone can style my hair today.

Receptionist: Sure. Have a seat, and I’ll check if anyone is available.

Kai and I sit and wait, but it doesn’t take long for the receptionist to return to let me know that there’s a stylist named Darius available. I hope that Kai will sit still long enough for me actually to get my hair done. I’m glad I packed his tablet, which should keep him occupied. He’ll also be tired from our afternoon in the park. If I’m lucky, he’ll go to sleep.

I go upstairs and approach Darius hoping for the best.

I sit down in the stylist’s chair.

Darius: What are you looking for today?

Prosperity: I’m not sure, but I want something very different from what my hair looks like now.

Darius: Different, huh?

He loosens my hair, allowing it to hang down my back.

Darius: You have a gorgeous head of hair. Do you want to keep the length?

Prosperity: Thanks…uh, maybe? Let’s see what you come up with. Do your best work!

Darius: Okay…

I sit back and relax, hoping for a drastic change.

Lesson number one, never trust a stylist without giving them some direction. Darius goes to work. Then he shows me the results.

Prosperity: This is your best work? I look like I’m 12. I’m looking for drastic, not boring.

Darius: Are you sure, honey? If you want drastic, I can do drastic.

It sounds like a challenge, or better yet…a dare. Maybe that’s exactly what I need.

Prosperity: Go for it.


In Strangeville, Merit and Roni break away from their families’ New Year’s Eve celebrations to get some ice cream.

Veronica: It looks like it’s about to rain. Maybe we should go back to my place.

Merit knows that she’s right, but he has something that he’d liked to talk to her about. He looks around and spots one table located under the overhanging roof that will keep them dry while they eat. He points it out to the hostess.

Merit: Is that table available?

The hostess leads them over to the table.

Merit: Is this okay?

Veronica: Perfect

Veronica: So, what are you getting?

Merit: I think I’ll have a Neapolitan cone and a root beer float?

Veronica: Isn’t it a bit redundant to have a root beer float and ice cream?

The waiter walks over to take their order. After Merit orders…

Waiter: Bit redundant, ain’t it?

Veronica: *chuckles* That’s what I said!

Merit knows he’s being made fun of, but it’s Roni, so he doesn’t mind. She places her order, and the waiter steps away.

Veronica: So, what did you want to discuss?

Merit is very close to losing his nerve, but he has waited long enough to tell Roni how he feels about her.

Merit: You’re my best friend. I mean, we’ve known each other all our lives.

Veronica: I know that already, silly.

Merit: I know. But have you ever thought about us like – dating?

Veronica: What? Like the best friends who fall in love and live happily ever after? Isn’t that a bit cliché? I mean, it would make a great movie, but does it work in real life?

Merit’s hopes sink a little. He feels like he’s being teased again, but this time it involves his heart, and he doesn’t like it.

Merit: Yeah, uh…I guess it’s a bit stupid.

Roni looks away, deep in thought.

Veronica: Honestly, though. I have thought about it.

She turns back and looks Merit in the eye.

Veronica: I’ve thought about it since I was a little girl.

Merit’s mouth falls open.

Merit: You have? I mean, I have too. But I thought it would be strange since our mothers are like sisters.

Veronica: We’re not related, though. They are just really good friends. It would only be strange if we were related.

The waiter brings their order.

Veronica: What would change, though? We go out all the time.

Merit: I guess nothing. Except you’d know that I really, really like you.

Veronica: I already know that.

Merit: Yeah, but in a different way. Like the way my parents like each other.

A pained look suddenly crosses Roni’s face. She touches her head and closes her eyes.

Merit: *concerned* You okay?

Veronica: I’m okay. Sorry, brain freeze.

Roni lays her head on her shoulder.

Veronica: Can we go now? I don’t feel so great.

Merit isn’t finished with his cone, but he tosses it to the side anyway. He’s already full from the float.

Merit: Yeah, sure.

Merit gets up and pays for their desserts. He’s not sure if he and Roni have agreed to date or not, but he’s happy that at least the door of possibilities has been opened.

I’m in complete shock when Darius gives me a mirror and shows me my new hair and make-up. When he said drastic, he wasn’t playing. He’s cut most of my hair off and dyed it red. It’s completely different, and after a while, I decide that I like it.

I pick Kai up, who is asleep in his chair, and we leave the salon.

It’s way past Kai’s bedtime when we finally make it home, and he is not happy. He hasn’t reacted to my new look. I figure he’s way too tired to even notice.

I bring Kai something quick to eat. He finishes it up after using the potty and goes to bed without even asking for a story, which tells me exactly how tired he is.

I should be tired too, but I’m feeling rejuvenated by my new look. I even like the make-up and might even consider wearing more of it from time to time. I’m feeling more like a college student. I sit down with my books to get a head start on a couple of my classes, happy to finally see the bright hues of happiness begin to surround me again.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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