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Banks Dynasty – Day 21.2 (Part 2)

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Kai is ready for his nap when we return home. I watch him climb the stairs just as Afu walks out of his apartment.

Afu: *gasp* Oh, wow. Hey, Prosperity. *waves* How are you?

Prosperity: *waves back* You can call me, Peri. I’m good. I received the rent money from you and Harvey, thanks.

Afu: You’re welcome. You changed your hair.

Prosperity: Yeah, I wanted to try something different.

Afu: You look stunning…*catches himself* if you don’t mind me saying so.

I don’t mind him saying so at all, but I’m suddenly at a loss for words at his bold compliment.

He takes my silence the wrong way.

Afu: I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be forward or anything. Forgive me…

I finally remember how to speak.

Prosperity: No worries. Um…thank you! I just didn’t expect that from you.

Like I told myself when I first met Afu, I can’t afford to let good looks pull me in the wrong direction again.

Afu: So, uh…

Just from those two words, I can feel the conversation beginning to move exactly where I don’t need to go. He’s about to ask me out for coffee or dinner and as much as I’d like to be in the company of a man again…now is not the time. I have Kai, and I have school to focus on.

Prosperity: *interrupts* Well, I’d better get upstairs to my son. See you around.

I can almost hear Afu’s open mouth close quickly. I turn and head up the stairs.

Afu: Yeah…see you around, Miss Peri.

There’s a flirty edge to his words, and I know his eyes are totally in the wrong place. But if he wants to torture himself by staring at something that he can’t have, that’s on him. I go inside and begin preparing dinner.

Kai is in bed, so I’m left alone with only my thoughts as I prepare a taco casserole that I’m actually proud of. Would it be so bad if I asked Afu to join me, so I won’t have to eat alone? I chastise myself internally…of course, it would be bad! Inviting him to dinner will only lead to other things down the road.

I sit down at the table, willing myself to think only about my upcoming classes. My taco casserole is as good as it looks. I eat it quickly, then pull out my books to study while I still have time to myself.

Kai is up an hour later, and I know I made a wise decision to stay focused. We change into our pajamas, and I sit down at the table with Kai as he eats. It’s almost midnight. I know we can’t make being up so late into a habit…but I allow it this time because it’s a special occasion.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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