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Banks Dynasty – Day 22.2 (Part 1)

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It’s past midnight when Kai finally finishes eating, which means that it’s officially his birthday. I pull out his birthday cake and light the candles. After I help him blow them out, he ages up to a child with the Social Butterfly aspiration and the Adventurous and Happy Toddler traits.

I know I’m risking him becoming too excited to go back to sleep, but I give him his birthday gift anyway.  He opens it up and is happy to see that I’ve given him some of those Voidcritter cards that kids love so much. I figured that he could use them when he goes to daycare since we don’t have room for a machine here at the house.

He rewards me with a big hug before he shuffles off to bed. He’ll never be too big for me to tuck him in and wish him a good night…at least not for a while anyway.

Staying up past midnight makes it incredibly hard to wake up and be motivated for the start of my first term in college. I slowly crawl out of bed, dress, and warm up leftover pancakes for breakfast.

The nice thing about Kai being older is that he can shower and dress himself now. I’m sure he made a big mess in the bathroom that I’ll have to clean up later, but getting him ready is one less thing I have to do.

He comes into the kitchen, and I insist that he takes a traditional birthday selfie. Then we sit down to eat.

Prosperity: So here’s the deal, my first class is at 8 am this morning, so I’ll be taking you to see Miss Charlie. You’ll be there for most of the day, but there will be other kids so you should have fun.

Kai: *slightly unsure* Okay, but you’ll come back to get me?

Prosperity: Of course I will, but you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t even miss me.

I hope I’m right because I feel incredibly guilty about having to leave him at the child care center all day. My parents worked from home throughout my childhood, so I never had to go to daycare. I barely know Charlie, but I have to rely on her to take care of my only child. I pray that the Watcher will keep him safe.

I finish my breakfast and get up to clean up.

Prosperity: Finish up your food so that we won’t be late.

Kai doesn’t eat any faster. He sits there, moving his food around his plate. I’m sure he’s nervous about being away from me all day, so I do my best to be understanding, but I’m anxious about being late for my first class. I gently hurry him along. Eventually, we make it out the door.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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