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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 6)

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Bamboo Forest

Jalisa and Merlin are ready to explore Mt. Komorebi, so they set out for the Senbamichi neighborhood to check out one of the town’s hikes. They decide to try out the Bamboo forest hike first.

Jalisa: This place is so amazing!

Merlin: I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

Jalisa: I admit that I’m not the most outdoorsy person, but I’d have to be crazy not to enjoy this.

Merlin: There’s so much more to see here. Let’s try hitting up the mountain area tomorrow. Have you ever tried snowboarding?

Jalisa: No, but I’m willing.

Just as Jalisa says that, a wave of nausea stops her in her tracks.

Merlin stops too.

Merlin: You okay? We can turn back if you need to.

Jalisa:  I’m okay, it’s passed. Let’s keep going.

They walk in silence for a bit, with Merlin stopping from time to time as he spots animal tracks on the ground.

Merlin: Check these out…it looks like it might be from some bear or something.

Jalisa: *slightly nervous* What type of bear?!

Merlin: Maybe a panda? We are in a bamboo forest.

Jalisa: Are pandas dangerous?

Merlin:  Hm, I don’t know.

Once they’re walking again, Merlin asks a question that’s been on both of their minds.

Merlin: We never discussed what happens with your career if you do get pregnant.

Jalisa: Right. Well, I’d like to keep working.

Merlin: But surely you’d like to take some time off at least, right?

Jalisa: I guess that depends on how I feel.

Merlin: Yeah, I guess so.

Merlin thinks about it for a while.

Merlin: It wouldn’t have to be you taking time off. I could do it. I could even consider working from home for a while.

Jalisa: You’d do that?

Merlin: Yeah, why not. We’d be in it together, right?

Jalisa is so glad to hear that. She steps over and gives Merlin a big hug before they continue walking.

Merlin: What was that for?

Jalisa: For you being so incredible.

Merlin: You’re the incredible one. Should we try another hiking trail?

Merlin pulls out a map to see where they should go next.

Merlin: Maybe we can go check out the Temple.

Suddenly, Jalisa has to pee badly, and a chill flows through the air.

Jalisa: Is it me, or did the temperature drop like ten degrees?

Merlin: *shivering* It’s not you. Maybe we should head back to the cabin.

Jalisa is in complete agreement.

Jalisa and Merlin return to the cabin feeling a bit tired and hungry. Luckily they still have Chef Seki, who greets them as they reenter the cabin.

Chef Seki: I have something in mind that I think you both will love…and don’t worry, this dish will be 100 percent vegetarian friendly.

Meanwhile, Jalisa goes to the bathroom thinking about how she’s been feeling a bit nauseous all morning. She could take a pregnancy test to rule that out, but she’s afraid that it might be too soon. Instead, she washes her hands and joins Merlin at the Kotatsu, where Chef Seki has served freshly made Onigiri.

Merlin: You were in there for a while. Have you considered taking a pregnancy test?

Jalisa: No. I’m too afraid of being disappointed.

Merlin: Well, if it doesn’t happen right away, we can keep trying.

Jalisa: I know, but I’d rather wait to test when I’m more sure.

Merlin: I’ll be by your side when you do, if you want.

Jalisa: I wouldn’t have it any other way.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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