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Banks Dynasty – Day 22.2 (Part 2)

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Peri goes straight to class after dropping Kai off at daycare. Miss Charlie and a little girl are standing out front, ready to greet him on his first day.

Miss Charlie: Kai! We’re so glad to see you! Meet Liliana. It’s her first day today, too.

Miss Charlie directs them to the playground. Liliana seems to be a bit shy, but Kai is as friendly as ever.

Kai: Maybe we can be friends!

Liliana: Okay

Kai and Liliana spend a bit of supervised time on the monkey bars before deciding to play in the sandpit. Miss Charlie joins them there, making a sand sculpture of her own.

I complete my Flower Arranging Class and make my way to the student center, hoping for a bit of entertainment and a quiet place to study. I see my roommate Harvey sitting on the couch as soon as I enter. I walk over to say hi.

Harvey tells me some of the ins and outs of surviving at Britechester.

Harvey: If you decide to eat at the cafeteria, try to get there earlier in the day. You don’t want the leftover stuff that’s been sitting around all day. Oh, and I highly recommend finding a club to join. That’s the best way to make friends and feel like you belong.

Prosperity: Good advice, but I’m afraid I won’t have time to join a club because I have to take care of my son.

Harvey has a class starting soon, so he gets up to leave.

Harvey: Yeah, I guess that would be a bit tough. But, I’m sure you’ll settle into a routine once you get used to being here. You’ll be surprised at how much extra time you have.

I’m not too sure about that. Any extra time I manage to have will go to studying, homework, and Kai. I know Harvey would never understand what that’s like, so I let it rest.

Harvey leaves for class. I look around the student center to look for a place to study, feeling a bit disappointed that it’s empty. If no one is hanging out here, where can they be? I go out back and am surprised to see another familiar face.

Prosperity: Hey there! Do you mind if I join you?

I sit down and wave at Darius, the guy responsible for my new, improved look.

Darius: Hey, Peri! How’s the look working for you?

Prosperity: It’s amazing. I love it. I didn’t know you went to school here?

Darius: Yeah, but only part-time. I spend the other half of my time working at the salon.

At least it seems that Darius understands what it’s like to have other things that occupy a lot of time.

We talk for a bit while we both work on our homework. He eventually gets up and heads to class. I work for a while longer until I suddenly realize that I’ll be late for the next class if I don’t get a move on.

The campus is a lot bigger than I thought. I’m practically running to make it on time, but I do spend a second or two admiring a good-looking guy on my way.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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