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Banks Dynasty – Day 22.2 (Part 3)

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Once the local elementary school ends for the day, more children arrive at the daycare center. Kai plays Voidcritters with a boy named Lincoln, while a little girl named Yvette takes her turn taking care of the class pet. Outside, a kid named Vern plays with Kai’s new friend Liliana.

After my class ends, I arrive at the daycare center and find Miss Charlie in the kitchen. Part of me is wondering why she isn’t supervising the kids, but I guess even she needs a quick break from time to time. I walk over to her.

Prosperity: Hey there, Charlie! How did things go with Kai today?

Miss Charlie: Very good. He’s such a sweet boy. He tries his best to befriend everyone.

Prosperity: Tries?

Miss Charlie: Let’s just say, some children are not as well behaved or as nice as Kai.

That doesn’t sound good, but I know that Kai needs to learn that not everyone is your friend. I hope he doesn’t run into any problems here.

Prosperity: Where is he? I’m here to take him home.

Miss Charlie: He’s upstairs in the playroom with the rest of the boys and girls.

I go up the stairs and enter the big playroom. Kai is too occupied to see me at first. I quietly call his name, and he jumps up and hurries over to give me a big hug.

Kai: Hi, mommy!

Prosperity: Hi, sweetheart!

Kai and I receive a big surprise when we arrive home and spot my parents and brother Merit waiting in front of our house.

Prosperity: Mommy, daddy – what are you all doing here?

Alida: We had to come and see our grandson on his birthday. *bends down to hug Kai* Look how big you are!

I hug daddy.

Quincy: We also want to celebrate your first day of college.

Prosperity: I have homework. We don’t have time for a party.

Quincy: We figured as much. We want to treat you both to a meal. You have to eat, right?

Mom gives Kai a birthday gift, while daddy compliments me on my new look and asks me about my first day of class.

I tell daddy all about school and the daycare that I found for Kai while Kai opens his gift. He seems pretty pleased with it.

If we’re going to do this whole birthday dinner thing, we’d better get a move on so I can get back to finish my homework. I quickly check the mail before we leave and see a package addressed from Sulani. Once again, it’s from CC. I know for sure it’s from Craig this time. I decide to hold on to it and give it to Kai when mom and dad aren’t around.

Besides the campus cafeterias, there aren’t any places to eat in Britechester, so we’re forced to make the short trip to Windenburg to find a place to eat. We decide on B&B’s Burger Bar. We step up to the host to get a table and are promptly seated.

Kai loves all the attention he’s getting from his grandparents. We place our orders with the waiter. After he leaves, I see an opportunity to pull out one of my textbooks and sneak a few minutes of studying in.

Alida: I love your hair, Peri. It’s a bold choice.

Prosperity: Thanks, ma. That’s what I was going for.

Alida: Your aunt Michelle would love it. We’ll have to text her a picture.

Our food arrives, and we chat as we eat. Kai is happy to tell us all about his first day of daycare. It makes me feels a lot better, knowing that he seems to like it.

After dinner, we reluctantly say our goodbyes. Mom, dad, and Merit leave to check into their hotel while Kai and I go back home.

All of the extra excitement is too much for Kai. He passes out on the kitchen floor soon after we walk in the door. It takes quite a bit of rousing to wake him enough to send him to his bed. I hope he won’t be too tired for his first day of school tomorrow.

It’s been a long day for me too, but I have to take advantage of any minute that I have to myself. I pull out my work once again and try to complete as much as possible before I take a hot shower and go to bed myself.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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