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Banks Dynasty – Day 25.2 (Part 1)

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I put on my pajamas and stare longingly at my bed. With a presentation, homework for two classes, and two final exams to study for, I know I don’t have time to sleep. When push comes to shove, sometimes you have to take drastic measures, so I do. I decide to drink a weary potion, which decreases my need to sleep. Newly energized, I change out of my pj’s and head outside to perfect my presentation.

I’m still running on a full battery without going to bed. I dress up a little because I have to present for my figure drawing class, and I have a meeting with Kai’s teacher later today.

It turns out that my angry email didn’t fall on death ears. Mr. Washington writes me back immediately, which gives me hope that he’ll work to resolve the situation. By the time Kai is up, I’ve managed to make some silly gummy bear pancakes, hoping that it’ll cheer him up after his rough night.

Prosperity: How are you feeling, sweetheart?

Kai: Okay

I’m not convinced, but I don’t want to risk upsetting him further by bringing up his father again.

Prosperity: Today will be a better day. I promise.

Kai looks down curiously at the colorful pancakes.

Kai: What are these?

I respond with my best silly face.

Prosperity: They’re silly gummy bear pancakes for a silly little boy!

Kai’s face lights up as soon as he takes a bite. My first bite, however, gives me an instant sugar rush.

Kai leaves for school. I watch him as he walks out the door, hoping that I succeeded in my goal of cheering him up. Then I head downstairs to collect my presentation and make my way to campus.

I wish silly pancakes were all it took to improve my mood, but it isn’t. All sorts of negative colors bombard me by the time I make it to class. Grays, dark oranges, and blues hover, but somehow I make it through my presentation.

Next, I have my meeting with Kai’s teacher, but I’m not sure I’ll survive it if I feel this way. I decide to do something about it. Before I left home, my dad gave me a happy potion but warned me that it was for emergencies only. I believe that this moment qualifies, so I guzzle it down.

The potion works, but I don’t know how long. I hop on my bike and make my way off campus and go straight to Kai’s school for my meeting.

Mr. Washington is sitting at his desk when I arrive. I admit that I’m shocked when I first see him. He’s not what I expected.

Mr. Washington isn’t supposed to look like this, and it’s pissing me off because now I can’t remember why I’m here.

Mr. Washington: Thanks for coming, Ms. Banks. I’m Waddell Washington. Please have a seat.

He has a pleasant baritone voice. I can imagine it helping him keep excellent control of his classroom…among other things. I correct him before I sit.

Prosperity: It’s Miss Banks.

Why did I have to say that? And more importantly, why isn’t he wearing a wedding band? Maybe I could focus if he was wearing a ring.

Mr. Washington: I read your email, and I’m sorry that the Donuts for Dads event has upset you so much.

I put everything else out of my mind. Kai is my focus here.

Prosperity: It’s not just me that it upset. It upset my son Kai. Kai’s father isn’t in the picture, and I feel that events like this threaten to isolate kids who are in similar situations as my son. What happens to kids whose fathers can’t come, or whose fathers have passed away or are in jail – or those who happen to have two mothers?

Mr. Washington: I get what you’re saying, and you’re not wrong. I have addressed similar concerns in the past. But this is a yearly event and is hosted by the P.T.A., along with the Muffins for Moms event that takes place next week. I’m afraid my hands are tied.

Prosperity: If there’s nothing you can do about it, why’d you schedule this meeting?

Mr. Washington: Because it hurt me to learn how much this event has affected Kai. I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to help him through this.

Prosperity: The only thing I can think of is canceling the event.

Mr. Washington: There are a lot of children who are looking forward to this event. Canceling it would be incredibly disappointing to them. But, can I offer a suggestion?

Prosperity: Sure, why not?

Mr. Washington: This event is not limited to just fathers. Children in the past have brought grandfathers, guardians, uncles, or family friends. Are there any other men in Kai’s life that he could bring?

Is he asking me if I have a boyfriend? Of course not.

Prosperity: It would be short notice, but I suppose my dad could bring him. He doesn’t live close, though. He’s in Oasis Springs. If I call him today, I’m sure he’d drop everything and be here by morning.

Mr. Washington: Well, there you go. If he’s willing, that would be great.

I get up from my seat.

Prosperity: Thanks for your time.

Mr. Washington stops me before I can leave.

Mr. Washington: Uh, can I just say, it’s been a pleasure having Kai in my classroom. He’s friendly, helpful, always enthusiastic, and eager to learn. He has raised his grade tremendously in my class. I hate that he’ll be moving up soon. I’m going to miss the little guy.

Prosperity: Oh, thank you. I’m lucky to have him.

Mr. Washington: You’re welcome. If only I had three more of him, my job would be so easy.

Standing there makes me realize just how lonely I truly am. My son’s teacher compliments me on how great my kid is, and all I can think about is how nice his lips are and how I’d love to taste them. It’s time for me to go, so once again, I turn to leave. Mr. Washington gets up as well. Maybe to walk me to the door, I don’t know. All I know is that I’ve missed being in the presence of an attractive guy, but they are like my kryptonite. And this one is off-limits because he’s my son’s teacher. I hurry to the door before he can even think about making his way over.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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