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Banks Dynasty – Day 25.2 (Part 2)

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A young man is standing in front of our house when Kai and I arrive home for the day. I don’t recognize him until I step closer. It’s my baby brother…who’s no longer a baby.

Prosperity: Meri! I almost didn’t recognize you.

Merit: Hi, Peri.

I greet him with the biggest hug because I’m so happy to see him.

Prosperity: What are you doing here?

Merit: I’m attending Foxbury now.

There’s so much to talk about and catch up on that I almost feel overwhelmed.

Prosperity: Oh wow! I feel old, and I’m so sorry for not being a better big sister. I didn’t realize that you’re a man now!

Merit: We all know you’re busy. It’s no big deal.

Prosperity: I’m going to make up for it. Come on inside!

As I lead Merit inside, I realize that him being here at this time might be a blessing in disguise. Kai sits down at the dining room table to start his homework. Merit and I sit down on the couch.

Prosperity: *lowered voice* So, how do you feel about donuts?

Merit: *confused* What do you mean?

I tell Merit all about Kai and how upset he was about the upcoming Donuts for Dads event.

Prosperity: I met up with his teacher today, and he said that Kai is welcome to bring another male family member.

Merit: It’s all good. I’d be happy to go with him. I don’t start my first classes until Monday anyway.

Prosperity: *relieved* You’re a lifesaver! I have to do something for you.

Merit and I stand up.

Prosperity: *gives Merit a key* This is for you! It’s an extra key to our place. If you ever get tired of dorm life and you want to come over and hang out, feel free!

Looking my brother over and realizing how good-looking he is, I add one more thing.

Prosperity: *half-joking* Don’t try sneaking any girls over here, though!

Merit: That’s something you don’t have to worry about.

His tone is a bit sad. I’ll have to find out a bit more about that later. Right now, it’s time to eat and tell Kai the excellent news.

I warm up the leftover fish tacos from last night. Merit joins Kai and me at the table.

Prosperity: So, how’s Roni? Is she here, too?

Merit: No, she decided to stay home. But, uh – I’d rather not talk about her right now.

Oh my goodness! Is there something going on between Merit and Roni? Of course, there is! How did I miss it? I’ve been a terrible big sister.

I’ll save that topic for a moment when Merit is ready to talk about it. It’s time to give Kai the news.

Prosperity: I met with your teacher today, Kai. He said that some kids bring other family members to the Donut event. And your uncle Merit here has agreed to go with you tomorrow.

Kai looks between Merit and me for a few minutes without responding.

Prosperity: Is that okay?

Kai’s face suddenly lights up.

Kai: Yeah! My friend Yvette’s grandfather is going with her because her daddy has to work! *turns to Merit* Will you be here on time to get me?

Merit: Of course I will! Actually, I’ll be early so we can get the all best donuts.

Kai: Yay!

I’m so glad my baby is happy again. I realize that as much as I love my son, there are some things that I can’t do for him. I’m going to have to learn to rely on the help of family more often.

Prosperity: Thank you so much, Meri.

I stand and grab the dirty dishes off the table.

Merit: *to Kai* So nephew, should we wear matching colors or anything like that?

Kai: Hmmm…do you like red? No…orange! We should wear orange!

My son is so much like me. I’d pick orange too.

Merit: I’ll have to check my closet.

Kai: This is going to be amazing!

Kai is so pumped up about the event tomorrow that I can only hope that he’ll calm down and focus enough to finish his homework so he can eat. He eventually finishes and gets up to grab a plate.

Kai: So, Uncle Kai…will you come to visit all the time now?

Merit: As much as I can. I’m sure that once school starts, I’ll be as busy as your mom, but I’ll do my best.

Kai gets up to wash his plate.

Prosperity: If you want to make it to school on time tomorrow, you’d better get to bed.

Kai, practically ignoring me, turns to Merit.

Kai: Can you tuck me in?

Merit: Sure, let’s go.

I hope I haven’t opened Pandora’s box by asking Merit to accompany Kai to the donuts event. The last thing I need is for my little brother to flunk out of school because my son is demanding his attention. I’ll have to talk to Kai about balance and boundaries.

Merit is a complete sweetheart, though. He tucks Kai in and waits for him to settle down and go to sleep before he announces that it’s time to leave.

I’m finally feeling like I’m getting a grip on my school work. I actually have time to take a bubble bath after studying for one of my exams tomorrow. I hope that all the hard work has paid off when I get my final grades. Until I know for sure, I’m going to do my best to relax and try to recreate Mr. Washington’s sexy voice in my head while I drift off to sleep.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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