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Banks Dynasty – Day 27.2 (Part 1)

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I receive an email from Afu informing me that he’s moving out. That’s a grey colored cloud that I quickly push away. I won’t let him dampen my mood – good riddance to him. I have plans to enjoy the day, just my baby and me.

I cook up some bacon and eggs and call Kai to the table.

Prosperity: I have some fun things planned for us today!

Kai: You do? Can Uncle Merit come?

Prosperity: No. It’ll be just you and me – a mother/son date. First, you have to come with me to the beauty salon so I can get all prettied up.

Kai: But you’re already a pretty mommy.

Bless his sweet little heart.

Kai and I arrive at the salon in Windenburg, realizing that I probably should have made an appointment.

Prosperity: Is Darius here today? I need to have my hair styled.

Receptionist: I haven’t seen him come in yet. But I believe he’s on the schedule today. We might have someone else that can style your hair if you want to go upstairs and check.

I go upstairs as the receptionist suggested. There’s only one person up there, and she tells me that she only does nails and foot/hand massages.

Prosperity: Well, can you give me Darius’s number?

Nail Technician: I’m not supposed to.

Prosperity: But this is an emergency. My whole day is ruined if I don’t get my hair done today.

She reluctantly gives me Darius’s number, and I call him up immediately. He agrees to meet me here as soon as he can.

True to his word, Darius arrives at the salon. After hearing me complain about how quickly my hair color grew out, he decides to take me back to my natural color.

Darius: I think you’ll like this. It’s still dramatic, but you won’t have to worry about color.

He’s wrong; I don’t like it at all. I love it! He changes up my make-up to fit my new look. I stand in the mirror for a while afterward to admire his work. Darius is a styling genius.

Kai and I leave the salon and head to the Von Haunt Estate. The first thing I do when we arrive is take a selfie to celebrate my new look.

I also take some shots of Kai. Seeing him through the lens of a camera makes me realize how quickly he’s growing up. He’s already losing the sweet innocent baby look. He’ll be a teenager before I know it.

The first part of our field trip will involve taking a tour of the house. I’m a little less enthusiastic about it when I read the placard and discover that the place might be haunted. The logical part of me knows that ghosts don’t exist, but there’s that small part that still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. None of it seems to scare Kai away, though.

We go inside and take a look around.

Kai: This place is so cool! I want to live in a house like this one day!

Prosperity: It’s a cool house, but so big that I’d be afraid to get lost.

Kai: The ghosts would help you find your way.

Prosperity: You know there’s no such thing as ghosts, right?

Kai: I know. It’s just pretend!

We go upstairs and check out one of the bedrooms.

Kai: Do you think someone might have died in here?

When did my child get so morbid? He must have picked that type of thinking up from one of the other kids at school.

Prosperity: I don’t know. We’ll have to read the placard to find out.

Kai: I’ll read it!

Kai steps over and reads about how there was a “honeymoon of horror” that took place in the bedroom. It sends a chill up my spine, but it only excites Kai even more. I guess he’s really growing up and learning to develop his own interests.

After learning more about the creepy things that have occurred in the house, I feel better being back outside. The mansion gardens are beautiful, but Kai is more interested in checking out the hedge maze that the mansion is famous for.

Kai begins to run when I announce that it’s time to check out the maze.

Kai: It’s this way, mommy!

Prosperity: I know, but you have to slow down and stay with me, or you’ll get lost.

He stops running but still does this sort of weird looking speed walk. Finally, we’re at the maze.

Kai: Can we go in? Can we? Can we?

Was I this excitable as a child?

Prosperity: Yes, we can go in…but be sure to stay with me. Okay?

Kai: Okay, mommy!

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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