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Banks Dynasty – Day 28.2 (Part 1)

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It’s “Sun”-day, the first day of summer. Kai gets up early, brushes his teeth, and makes himself some cereal. His mom is not up yet, so he occupies himself by dribbling his soccer ball in the kitchen, although he’s pretty sure she wouldn’t allow him to play with his ball inside if she was up to see him.

I sleep in for the first time in a while. Luckily Kai is now old enough to take care of himself. I’m dressed and sitting down eating breakfast when I receive a call from my father letting me know that he and my mother are on the way to Britechester to celebrate the holiday with us. The happy/bright colors of my childhood and teen years fill the space around me.  Seeing them will be a treat.

It’s a nice day in Britechester, not nearly as sweltering as the first day of summer usually is in Oasis Springs. I decide to do an outdoor barbeque. Kai and I exit the house to greet my parents and my brother Merit.

Kai and Merit are becoming pretty good friends. Kai shows off his new love for soccer and convinces Merit to play with him, which he doesn’t hesitate to do.

Meanwhile, my mom and dad settle at the picnic table while I grill hotdogs and tell them all about my first term of college.

Alida: We’re proud of you, Peri! You’ve accomplished something that I don’t think I could have pulled off as a first-time mom.

It’s nice to hear that from my mom, who is the toughest person that I know.

Prosperity: You would have done what you had to do, just like I did.

Kai drags Merit into more of his summertime play, this time utilizing the sprinklers. Once the hotdogs are done, I call everyone over, and we stand around the picnic table eating and talking. Merit fills them in on what it’s like being at Foxbury. I can practically see the pride radiating around my parents as they marvel at me and my brother’s accomplishments. I feel even closer to my family than I did when I still lived at home. Back then, I was too busy trying to rebel to appreciate their company.

Ma hasn’t had much time to get to know Kai like she’d like, so she pulls him to the side to ask him all about school. He’s happy to fill her in on how well he’s doing and how many friends he has. After their side conversation, she comes back to the picnic table.

Alida: You’ve raised an incredible little boy, Peri. I’m proud to call him my grandson.

Prosperity: I’m proud of him too, ma.

Alida: And you’re doing it all by yourself. Have you heard from his father at all?

Daddy excuses himself from the conversation and hangs out with Kai. I’m sure it’s because he still has many negative feelings towards Kai’s dad, Craig. I guess I can’t blame him.

Prosperity: He sends gifts now and then, but I don’t even think he knows if we have a girl or boy.

Alida: *sucks teeth* It may be time for you to start looking for a new dad for Kai.

Prosperity:  Like I have time for that. My whole revolves around studying and Kai.

Alida: Well, I’m here now…and I insist that you go out and enjoy yourself. I’ll watch Kai for you tonight!

Prosperity: But, I have class in the morning.

Alida: Isn’t staying up all night, then falling asleep in class the next morning a part of the college experience?

Prosperity: I don’t know, ma. I feel like I missed my chance to be a “typical” college student.

We pause the conversation when Kai walks over and sits down next to me. Going out sounds nice, so I check in with Kai.

Prosperity: Would you be okay hanging out with your gran while I go out tonight?

Kai: Go out where?

Prosperity: To a place where I can go dancing.

Alida: *to Kai, with a drink in her hand* Yeah, and you and I can stay up all night and watch movies and eat popcorn and ice cream.

Kai: Can I, momma? Can I?

Prosperity: Well, maybe not all night because you have school tomorrow. But definitely past your regular bedtime.

Kai: *excited* Yay!

Now that everything is settled with my mom and Kai, I get up to begin cleaning our plates. Ma seems to be just as excited as Kai to get to hang out with him.

Ma and daddy seem to be enjoying their drinks. I can’t wait to get to a club to enjoy a glass or two of my own. After a while, Merit announces that he has some dorm party to attend, and daddy says his goodbyes to ma as he heads back to their hotel room in Windenburg.

Kai, ma, and I finish up our “Sun”-day celebrations with some fireworks as soon as it gets dark. Kai’s eyes grow big as he follows the pretty lights up to the sky. I enjoy them with him for a while until it’s time for me to get dressed for my first adult night out in years.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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