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Banks Dynasty – Day 28.2 (Part 2)

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I call up a ride share once I’m dressed and ready to go, but I regret coming as soon as I enter the club. Why did I let mama talk me into this? I feel silly as soon as I see everyone talking amongst themselves and having fun. Who comes to a club alone? I could have at least brought Merit, but that would have been lame too. I go straight to the bar and order a drink, hoping it’ll chase the embarrassment away.

I sit down as the bartender makes my drink. The club begins to fill up, which is a good thing. Maybe I won’t stand out so much as the lonely girl with no friends. The bartender gives me a nice show with the juice bottles, then gives me my drink—a Wrench on ice.

I drink the whole thing in a few gulps and then realize that I should have peed before leaving the house. I ask the bartender for directions to the restroom. As I’m heading towards it…I see him – Kai’s teacher Mr. Washington. The last thing I need is for him to see his student’s lonely ass mama kicking it at a club alone. I hurry past him, hoping that he’s too lost in the music to see me.

The plan is to pee then head out of the club as quickly as I can. But as soon as I leave the restroom, I see Harper from my old conservation days out in Sulani. Unless there’s a back door, which I doubt…I won’t get away with walking past her without saying hello.

I might as well get it over with, so I walk over to her.

Prosperity: Hey Harper! Long time, no see!

Harper: Peri! Oh, Watcher! How have you been?

Mr. Washington hasn’t spotted me yet, so if I make my way out now…I’m in the clear.

Prosperity: I’m fine. I’ve just been keeping myself busy. But, it’s good seeing you. I was just about to head out.

Harper: Already?

Harper and I weren’t close when we worked together at the conservation camp, so I’m sure she doesn’t expect me to hold a long conversation with her. Plus, the music is a bit loud, and she hasn’t stopped dancing yet, so I feel pretty good about cutting it short and bouncing.

Prosperity: Yeah…I have an early class, so I’d better go.

Harper: Okay, take care of yourself. Good to see you again.

I return the sentiments, but I don’t make it too far before I hear a sexy voice saying my name, stopping me quickly in my tracks…

Mr. Washington: Miss Banks, is that you?

I can act like I don’t hear him, but he’s already walking towards me, so there’s no use trying to ignore him.

Prosperity: Oh, hi there, Mr. Washington.

I sit down at a nearby table, and he sits down in the chair next to me.

Waddell:  You changed your hair.

He noticed.

Waddell: I almost didn’t recognize you. You can call me Waddell.

No, actually, I can’t.

Prosperity: Uh, so – how’s Kai been doing in your class?

Waddell: He was my best student, and I’ll miss him now that he’s moved up. Is he excited to meet his new teacher tomorrow?

Why am I having a hard time keeping up with these things?

Prosperity: Yeah, yeah – he sure is.

So, Mr. Washington is no longer Kai’s teacher. But does that change anything? In my books – no, it doesn’t. This man is still off-limits. I’d better go.

I get up to leave, but the next thing I know – one of the other patrons walks over and hands me a glass. I’m guessing he’s a friend of Mr. Washington’s.

Prosperity: *holds the drink up* Uh, Happy “Sun”-day! I shouldn’t just let this go to waste.

I sit back down at the table. I guess I’m not going anywhere just yet.

Mr. Washington sits back down, too.

Waddell: So, do you come here very often?

Prosperity: No. Not at all. With school and Kai – I don’t have time. I’m only here today because my mom insisted.

Waddell: I don’t get out much either. I’m usually up to my chin in homework assignments and lesson plans. But I heard they had a pretty good DJ here tonight, and I figured I’d check it out.

So we both decided to try and get out on the same night. Interesting…

Prosperity: So, is it just you? No wife or kids at home?

Waddell: My kids are my students – oh and my spoiled dog, Dapper.

Before I can respond, Harper sits down and almost completely ruins the whole evening.

Harper: So, Peri – when’s the last time you heard from Mr. C? We all missed you at camp when you left. Him most of all.

I pick up my drink and gulp down the rest. I know Mr. Washington has no idea that “Mr. C” is Kai’s father, but I still feel exposed. Luckily he gets up and excuses himself. I give Harper a vague answer and excuse myself as well. I try to escape to the dance floor, but that doesn’t last long either.

Stranger: Hey sexy, you wanna dance?

If the guy didn’t seem dazed off his ass, I probably would have accepted.

Prosperity: Uh, no thanks! I was just about to leave.

Stranger: Don’t you want to see what these hips can do? How about we leave together and I can show you?

Prosperity: No thanks.

Stranger: Why not? I don’t see anyone else giving you any attention out there. You should take what you can get.

Prosperity: Believe me! I can get a whole lot better than you – so back up!

Right about now, I wish I was back at home watching movies and eating popcorn with Kai and mama. If this is what going out is like, I’d rather avoid it. The whole evening has been awkward and a waste of time.

Stranger: Aw, come on. We don’t even have to leave the club. We can take this party to the restroom.

There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable. I turn and walk away, but the guy persists. I’m not the paranoid type at all, but he’s making me very nervous.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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