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Banks Dynasty – Day 29.2 (Part 1)

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The creepy guy continues to harass me. If I try to leave the club, he’ll probably follow me out, and I’d be outside alone with him. If I stay here, who knows what he’ll try to pull. The next thing I know, I hear Mr. Washington’s voice.

Waddell: Hey love, you ready to go yet?

It takes me a moment to realize what he’s doing. He’s trying to get this guy from my back.

Prosperity: Yeah, babe. I was just about to come and get you.

Stranger: Oh, snap! I didn’t realize she belonged to you…I’m sorry, dude. No disrespect.

This guy has gone too far.

Prosperity: First of all, I don’t belong to anyone. What the hell do you think this is? And if I catch you harassing anybody else in here, I’m kicking your ass, then calling the cops.

Stranger: Alright, alright – my mistake.

Waddell: You ready to go?

Prosperity: Almost.

I’m not going to let this guy run me off just yet. My night ends when I’m ready for it to end.

I go to the bar and take a seat. After a few moments, Mr. Washington joins me.

Prosperity: Thanks for your help.

Waddell: No problem. I would have walked over sooner, but I didn’t want to overstep.

Considerate and handsome…

Prosperity: *turns to the bartender* A Wrench on ice please, and one for him too.

Waddell: I’m used to being the one buying the drinks.

Prosperity: I got you, as thanks for saving me from that creepy guy.

Waddell: You didn’t need me. You seem perfectly capable of taking that guy out on your own. But, next time – drinks are on me.

Prosperity: Next time? Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?

Waddell: I just meant – if I ever run into you like this again.

Mr. Washington stands up after the bartender gives him his glass.

Waddell: It was good to see you again, Miss Banks.

I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to him yet.

Prosperity: I was just joking, Mr. Washington. You don’t have to leave. Plus, you never answered my question from earlier.

He sits back down and places his drink on the bar.

Waddell: Call me Waddell, and which question is that?

Prosperity: I asked if you were married. You never answered.

Waddell: Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to ignore it. It’s just a painful subject, but no – I’m not married.

Now I’m curious, but I don’t know him well enough to pry. Is there some sordid story there? Whatever the case may be, he’s single. I change the subject.

Prosperity: You don’t have to wait to run into me again. You can take down my cell number.

Waddell: I already have your cell number. I just needed permission to call it.

Something about that statement makes me squirm in my seat a little – in a good way. But, he was my son’s teacher. Of course, he has my cell number…and somewhere in my contacts – I should have his too.

I pull out my phone to check. Sure enough, his number is in there…listed as Kai’s teacher. I really need to change that. Before I can stop myself, I’m typing a short text.

Prosperity’s Text: I’ve had a little crush on you since I met you.

I hit send and regret it immediately. Sending a text like that was something the old Peri would do. I’m a mom now, and I can’t be reckless like that anymore. He picks up on my change of demeanor.

Waddell: *suspicious* What’s going on? Did I miss something?

Prosperity: No, just ignore…

Too late, the text comes through, and he checks his phone right away.

Waddell: Oh, Miss Banks – I’m not sure what to say.

Prosperity: It’s Peri…and please – don’t say anything. I shouldn’t have sent that.

I can’t even blame it on the drink because it’s still sitting untouched in front of me. We sit there awkwardly for a few moments, staring straight ahead. I know why I’m reacting this way. I just made a complete fool of myself. But why is he? Maybe because the text was completely inappropriate. I should never have crossed that line. It’s time for me to go.

I get up to leave, but once again…his voice stops me in my tracks.

Waddell: You’ve been on my mind, too.

Oh really? I’m not sure if I needed to hear that right now. Either way, it throws me off-kilter and has me walking towards the closet rather than out the door. I correct my path and leave as soon as I realize.

It’s after 4 am when I finally arrive home. I’m surprised to see mama still up waiting for me, just like old times.

Prosperity: You didn’t have to wait up, ma. Aren’t you tired?

Alida: I napped. Did you have fun tonight?

I walk over to the couch and sit down.

Prosperity: Maybe

I’m not trying to tease her with my answer. It’s the most honest one I can give right now. I don’t know what tonight was. Fun somehow doesn’t fit.

Prosperity: There are only a few hours left for me to sleep. C’mon, ma…we can share my bed.

I get up and go into my bedroom with mama right behind me. It’s been a long night, and I can only hope that I’ll be rested enough for my 8 am class.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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