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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 16)

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Nanny For Hire (*this post includes a poll)

The agency sends over three possible candidates for Jalisa and Merlin to interview as nannies. The first up is Mabel Iverson. Jalisa and Merlin lead her to the living room.

Merlin: *waves* Thanks for coming, Mabel.

Mabel: *waves back* Thanks for having me. I am glad to have this opportunity.

Merlin: As the agency may have told you, we just had triplets, and we’re looking for someone to help care for them full-time.

Mabel: Yes, I am aware.

Jalisa: Unfortunately, we don’t have an extra bedroom, so you’d have to share with the babies. Does that work for you?

Mabel: I have worked full-time and part-time in the past, so that would not be a problem. And I would prefer to share a room so that I am available at all times.

Merlin: Great. Of course, you’d have the weekends off. That would be our family time together.

Jalisa: Can you tell us a bit about your experience as a nanny?

Mabel: I am sure that the agency has sent you my references. I have worked as a nanny for two other families.

Jalisa: And why are you no longer with those families?

Mabel: The last family I worked for had to relocate to Sulani, and I was unwilling to relocate with them. It is a shame too because I worked with them for five years. Before that, I worked part-time with a family for a few months, but the mother decided to quit her job and become a stay-at-home mother.

Merlin: And what did you do before becoming a nanny?

Mabel: I worked as a school teacher for over ten years.

Jalisa: Well, your references are impeccable. Your previous families had nothing but good things to say about you. Would you like to meet the babies?

Mabel: Yes, I would love to.

Merlin and Jalisa lead Mabel upstairs.

Mabel: Your house is delightful. It is not exactly child-friendly, but I can help with that.

Jalisa: That would be great.

Mabel stands near the door once they all enter the nursery.

Jalisa: This is our son, Jalin. To my right is Jamelia. *picks up Melisa* And mommy’s widdle sweetheart, here is Melisa.  *to Melisa, in baby talk* Aren’t you all the sweetest? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!

Mabel: May I? *nods towards Jamelia’s crib*

Jalisa: Yes, of course.

Mabel walks over and looks over at Jamelia.

Mabel: How are you today, Ja-me-li-a? I am Miss Ma-bel. I would love to work with you and your sib-lings. Would that be all right with you?

Jalisa observes the slow pronunciation and full sentences that Mabel uses with Jamelia.

Jalisa: Wow! How much of that can she understand?

Mabel: Not much right now, but when you speak to them in full correct sentences – they learn to understand. And eventually will speak in proper English.

Jalisa: Oh

Mabel’s words sound like a direct jab towards Jalisa.  Time for the next interview.

Next up is Iona Street, who takes a seat directly in front of Jalisa and Merlin.

Iona: I’m so glad to be here.  Your place is fantastic, and you seem like such an amazing couple.

Jalisa: Thank you!

Iona: How long have you been married?

Jalisa: Not long, we still consider ourselves newlyweds.

Iona: How awesome!

Merlin: Can you tell us a bit about your experience as a nanny?

Iona: Yes. I’ve only worked with one family, who happens to be my aunt’s family. She has two little boys, and I began caring for my cousins full-time soon after graduating college.

Jalisa: Oh, you worked for your aunt?

Iona: Yes, but I gained a lot of experience, and believe me, my aunt never goes easy on me. She expected just as much out of me as she would have expected out of a stranger.

Jalisa: Why are you no longer working for her then?

Iona: My youngest cousin Joshy finally aged up and started school. My aunt no longer needed me full-time. But I still babysit sometimes on the weekends.

Jalisa looks over at Merlin feeling a bit unsure. Does working as a nanny for your own family qualify as real experience?

Jalisa: Did you major in child development or psychology in school, hoping to become a nanny?

Iona: No. I majored in drama and worked as a campaign intern before I quit to work for my aunt.

None of that goes together. Iona seems a bit all over the place.

Iona: *suddenly stands* I’m sorry to change the subject, but one of your babies is crying.

Jalisa turns to Merlin.

Jalisa: Do you hear anything?

Merlin: No, do you?

Jalisa: Not at all, but I guess we’d better go check.

They all get up and head towards the stairs.

Jalisa: You can hear one of the babies?

Iona: No. It’s more like a sixth sense.

Jalisa isn’t quite sure what that means exactly.

They all arrive at the nursery, and sure enough, Jamelia is screaming at the top of her lungs.

Jalisa: *amazed* How’d you know?

Iona walks over to Jamelia.

Iona: Don’t worry, I’m not psychic, and I don’t have supersonic hearing or anything. Some people would call me an empath. But it’s a little different than that. I can sort of feel the energy change in the house, so I knew that one of them was in distress. My aunt used to call me a human baby monitor as a joke. I can feel when a baby is upset from almost anywhere in the house.

Iona picks Jamelia up and seems to know right away what to do.

Iona: She’s hungry, and her stomach hurts a little. It’s just a little gas. I can feel it in my stomach too, but she’ll feel much better after she eats and burps.

After taking care of Jamelia, Iona joins Merlin and Jalisa on the cushions in front of the cribs.

Merlin: You could feel what Jamelia was feeling?

Iona: A little. Just enough to know what was going on with her.

Jalisa: That’s amazing. You’re like a baby whisperer. How did you discover that you could do that with babies?

Iona: I can do it with almost anyone, but for some reason, it’s stronger with babies. It’s the reason why my aunt hired me. Her youngest son accidentally swallowed a small toy as a toddler, but no one could figure out what was wrong, but when I felt a slight tightening in my airway, I figured it out. She begged me to quit my job and work as her nanny after that.

Merlin: It must be exhausting, though – to feel what others feel.

Iona: It’s the opposite for me. I feel uplifted just knowing that I can help someone.

Merlin: Well, I think we’ve heard all we need to hear. Thanks for your time Iona.

Iona leaves the room while Jalisa and Merlin stare at one another, amazed.

Merlin:  Well, I think I know who I’d like to hire. Iona is practically a superhero.

Jalisa: Her ability is impressive, but I don’t know if her story sold me.

Merlin: Being able to instantly figure out what’s wrong with the babies isn’t enough for you?

Jalisa: It’s huge, but she still only ever worked for her own family. She’s never worked with three babies at one time. It sounds like it could be a sensory overload situation with her. How would she ever get any sleep caring for three babies who could be feeling almost anything at any time? I don’t know how that would work out.

Merlin: I guess you have a point there. Let’s call in the last candidate.

Merlin calls in Brock McAlister, who happens to be an older gentleman with years of experience as a nanny.

Brocks enters and sits down in the rocking chair next to Jalisa.

Jalisa: Thanks for coming, Brock. It’s nice to meet you.

Brock: It’s my pleasure to be here.

Merlin: Your references speak for themselves. Your resume says that you have over twenty years of experience as a nanny.

Brock: Yes, I have worked for several families over the years. Many of the children that I helped care for now have children of their own.

Merlin: That’s great. How did you get started as a nanny?

Brock: Well *long pause* It’s a bit of a sad story. I was still a younger man when my husband passed suddenly. He was the love of my life, but he was gone before we ever had the opportunity to fulfill our desire to raise children of our own.

Jalisa: Oh. We are so sorry to hear that.

Brock: Thank you for saying that. Since then, I have dedicated my life to the care of children. They are everything to me.

Right on cue, another baby begins to cry. This time it’s Melisa. Brock doesn’t hesitate to walk over and lift her from her crib.

Brock places Melisa on his shoulder and begins to sing a Selvadoradian lullaby to her in an impeccable voice. She calms down immediately.

Merlin: Do you speak the language?

Brock: Yes, I’m fluent. I spent a lot of time in Selvadorado as a young man. It’s where I met my late husband.

Once Melisa is calm, Brock moves over to Jalin and expertly changes his diaper as soon as he begins to cry. Then he moves right back over to Melisa after only a few whimpers. Brock is an elderly gentleman, but he seems to still have a lot of good years left in him.

The last interview is over. Jalisa and Merlin show everyone to the door.

Merlin: Thank you all for coming!

Jalisa: Yes, you have all given Merlin and me a lot to consider. We will inform the agency of our decision.

The three candidates leave. Afterward, Jalisa and Merlin sit down to dinner.

Merlin: So, what do you think?

Jalisa: They were all interesting in different ways.

Merlin: I agree. Anyone you liked more than the others?

Jalisa: I’m not sure. I know you like Iona. But Brock was so calm and collected. Did you see how quickly he was able to calm Melisa?

Merlin: Yes, but does he have the energy to keep up with three running toddlers?

Jalisa: That’s the question.

Merlin: What about Mabel?

Jalisa: She reminded me of almost every strict teacher that I had in school. I don’t doubt that she’d have a lot to teach the babies, but do we want every single day to be like they are sitting in a classroom?

Merlin: Maybe. They’d ready for school.

Jalisa: That’s true. *deep sigh* This decision will not be easy!

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

Poll: Jalisa and Merlin need your help making this decision. Who would you hire? Click here to vote.  Thanks in advance!

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