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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 18)

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The Toddler Years – 1

It’s a busy morning with three toddlers. Merlin helps out as best he can before he has to leave for work. Jalisa is very nervous about being left alone with the triplets for the first time. Luckily their newly hired nanny will be arriving today.

Merlin: *sitting down to eat* You’ll be a good girl for mommy and the new nanny, won’t you, Lia?

Jamelia: No!

Jalin bursts into tears as soon as his bowl is empty. Merlin feels terrible having to leave Jalisa alone with the toddlers, even if it’s just for an hour or two.

But, Merlin has no choice. He’s been away from his business long enough and needs to get back to ensure everything continues to run smoothly. Melisa isn’t too happy to see her daddy go, and she makes it known with her best pouty face. Jalisa gathers her up and takes her upstairs with her siblings.

The nanny is due to arrive in less than an hour. She has no choice but trust that the three of them will be okay alone in their nursery long enough for her to take a shower and grab a quick bite to eat in time to welcome the nanny.

It’s time. Jalisa stumbles out of the bathroom as their chosen nanny, Brock McAlister, arrives. She and Merlin spent a considerable amount of time trying to decide who to hire. They even consulted some friends to help with the decision (thanks for your votes). In the end, they went with experience because it’s what the two of them lack the most.

Jalisa: Brock! I’m so glad to see you.

Brock: Thank you! I’m glad to be here.

Jalisa: Follow me. I have a surprise for you.

Jalisa leads Brock to the room that used to be their home theater. Brock is surprised to see it now holds a bed and dresser.

Brock: *confused* I thought I was to share with the triplets.

Jalisa: We decided to convert our media room to a bedroom to give you your own space.

Brock: But, I’ll be so far away from them. What happens at night?

Jalisa: We want to be as involved as much as possible, so we’ll take care of their needs at night. You’ll get the nights off unless we need you. But don’t worry, your pay will remain the same.

Brock sits down on his new bed, reflecting on how lucky is he to be hired by such a thoughtful family.

Once he has removed his coat and put away a few of his things, Brock follows Jalisa upstairs, prepared to get right to work. He greets the toddlers, who look at him with a bit of uncertainty. But, all of that melts away once Brock pulls out a toddler book and announces that it seems like the perfect time for a story. Brock leads them out to the hallway and takes a seat. All three toddlers waddle out of the bedroom and walk over to him.

Realizing that her children are in good hands, Jalisa quickly leaves them with Brock and heads downstairs to get some work done while the triplets sit down, ready to hear Brock’s story.

Jalisa tries to work on her writing skill, but she’s too tense and needs to relax for a bit. She watches a few Simtube videos instead. She’s grateful for Brock now that she has a bit of time to herself.

Merlin arrives home soon after with a raise and a promotion, thanks to some extra training he decided to take advantage of.  The first thing he does is head upstairs to see how the triplets are getting along with the new nanny. Brock is sitting in a rocking chair across from Me-Me, calmly talking to her. After a few moments, he kneels and rewards her with a hug while Merlin greets Lia.

Brock tries to help Me-Me through some of her frustration by teaching her words for her basic needs.

Brock: This is a potty. You can pee in the potty instead of your diaper, and you’ll be dry all day. Can you say potty?

Melisa: Pot-ty!

After Me-Me’s lesson, Merlin does his part by getting all three toddlers downstairs and in their highchairs for dinner. Brock technically has the evening off, but he can’t resist checking in on the triplets as they sleep to make sure they are okay. Afterward, he shuffles off to bed, glad to be back to work in a new home doing precisely what he loves most in the world.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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