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Banks Dynasty – Day 30.2 (Part 1)

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Kai stares up at the man who shares the same eyes and hair. He doesn’t mention it to his mom anymore, but he never gave up on the idea of meeting his father. Having Uncle Merit take him to his school event was cool, but it wasn’t a replacement for his dad.

Kai has a plan. His father gave him a soccer ball as a gift. Maybe his dad likes soccer. If he gets good at playing, his father will want to meet him. They can play together! Kai pulls out his ball and practices.

It’s my birthday!  I never thought I’d be an adult who is still in college, but it is what it is. I make myself a birthday cake and light the candles. Kai enters the room right on time to help me celebrate.

I age up into a full-fledged adult – whatever that means. I guess it means that it’s time to get my life together. I still have a lot of it to live, but I have no idea what I truly want to do with it.

Kai and I dress for the day and sit down to cake for breakfast. It’s not the best thing to be eating when trying to watch my weight, but it’s my birthday, so there’s that.

Not only am I getting older, but Kai will be a teen in a few days. Time is of the essence, so if we’re going to do anything special, I’d better plan now before finals and presentations begin to rule my days.

Prosperity: What would you like to do for your birthday in a few days?

Kai can’t say what he really wants. Not directly anyway. 

Kai: Can we go and stay at Great-Gran and Great Pop-pop’s place?

Prosperity: You mean, in Sulani?

Kai: Yes. I want to go to Sulani –  to see where I was born and swim in the ocean.

It makes sense that Kai would want to see Sulani.

Prosperity: How’d you even know about the house in Sulani?

Kai: Gran told me when you went out to go dancing.

I’ll have to plan what that would look like in my head because traveling between school terms will be tough.

Prosperity: Maybe we can make it a family thing and invite your Gran and Pop-pop.

Kai: Yeah! I want to invite them.

Prosperity: I’ll see what I can do. It’s time for you to go to school.

Kai gets up to leave for school. I make a note to myself to call ma and daddy to see if they’d like to join us for a quick trip.

I have two classes back to back, which gives me plenty of time in the afternoon to get a lot of work done before it’s time to pick up Kai from daycare. I decide to tackle my term paper, so after my last class, I head to the library, only to be greeted by a text from my ex-best friend Miracle, wishing me a happy birthday.

It seems like a whole lifetime ago that she and her sister, Rocio, schemed to go after my then-boyfriend, Byron. And although I messed that relationship up a long time ago, I still can’t imagine letting those trifling sisters back in my life – especially Miracle, who’s way too old to be still trying to wear the same purple hairstyle that she did in high school. I delete the text and enter the library to start my paper.

I’m a couple of paragraphs in when my brother Meri enters the library and sits down across from me.

Merit: Happy birthday, Peri!

Prosperity: Thanks. How are you doing?

Merit: I’m okay. Just dealing with some roommate issues.

I don’t have time for this, but he’s my brother, so it’s my duty to at least try to hear what’s going on with him. I think about my former tenant Afu’s dirty habits and how his roommate Harvey dealt with it for so long.

Prosperity: Aren’t we all? What’s happening with you?

Merit: Ugh – my roommate’s girlfriend is always sleeping over, and they woohoo all night when I’m trying to sleep. I can barely function in class because I’m so tired.  I’m requesting a single room next term.

I suddenly get a great idea that solves both of our problems.

Prosperity: Why not rent the empty room downstairs from me? My tenant just moved out, and I can use help with my bills.

Merit: Are you serious? That would be amazing. Thanks, Peri.

Prosperity: No need to thank me – you’d be doing me a huge favor. I’ll let Harvey know.

Merit: What are you doing for your birthday today?

Prosperity: This term paper and homework for two classes.

Merit: I can relate. Well, I have some research that I need to do. Get back to your paper.

Merit gets up, grabs a book then sits down quietly beside me.

I’m beginning my next paragraph when my phone begins to ring. It’s another distraction, but this one puts a smile on my face. It’s a call from Mr. Washington, but I’m too busy to answer it. I respond with a text instead.

Prosperity’s Text: Can I call you back later?

Waddell’s Text: Sure, but I ran into a little birdie that mentioned that it’s your birthday today.

Prosperity’s Text: Kai? Yeah, but I have so much work that I can’t celebrate. It sucks bein’ busy.

Waddell’s Text: I agree. But it’s a great day. Maybe we can get out for a bit to enjoy it.

Watcher knows that I want to. This man makes me feel all the rainbow’s brightest colors, but I have to stay focused. I can’t mess up so early in the term.

Prosperity’s Text: I wish I could. 😭

Waddell’s Text: This weekend?

I want to say yes so bad, but I remember that I promised Kai a possible trip to Sulani. Damn!

Prosperity’s Text: I’m sorry. I made plans with Kai.

Waddell’s Text: No worries. We’ll catch up soon.

I hope so. After the last message, I reluctantly get back to work on my paper and then begin to edit it. I don’t feel any relief when it’s completed – only dull hues of frustration. College is supposed to be the best years of my life, but thanks to my full load of classes – I have no life.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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