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Banks Dynasty – Day 30.2 (Part 2)

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Seeing Kai’s happy face and learning that he’s doing so well in school makes me feel better, at least temporarily. I pick him up from daycare but discover that he’s developed the musty scent of his upcoming teenage years. It’s time for him to start using deodorant.

Prosperity: Kai, I think you should go and take a bath. And be sure to use some soap under your arms.

I’ll have to talk to him about using deodorant later. For now, I check the mail, then take a seat in front of Harvey’s apartment and work on another homework assignment.

Kai is now the top student in his school. He’s a people pleaser; making his teachers and his mama proud is important to him. He takes a bubble bath that ends up taking twice as long and being three times as messy, from the playing and the splashing, as it should have. Then he begins his homework.

I have a moment of free time, so I use it to call mama, who immediately wishes me a happy birthday. I fill her in on Kai’s desire to visit Sulani for his birthday.

Alida: (on the phone) You okay, Peri? You don’t sound like yourself.

I also don’t feel like myself. I’m so stressed and tense that I’m like an overfilled balloon that’s ready to burst. I don’t need mama to know that, though. I just want to get this trip planned.

Prosperity: I’m okay. But – about this trip…

Alida: Would taking a trip right now help you relax?

Prosperity: Honestly, no. But I promised Kai.

Alida:  Daddy and I will take Kai to Sulani. You stay there and take some time for yourself.

Prosperity: Ma, I –

Alida: You what? If I’m going to Sulani, I don’t need you stressed out and making me tense during my vacation. Your dad and I want to spend some time with our grandson anyway. Let us take him.

I could use the break – Mama’s right about that. If Kai is okay with it, I don’t see why I need to go with him.

Prosperity: Okay, ma. I’ll talk to Kai about it and let you know.

Alida: Good. Take care of yourself. I’m worried about you.

Prosperity: I’m fine, ma. Thanks, and I love you!

Alida: Love you, too.

I warm up food for Kai, and we sit down at the table together.

Prosperity: I have news for you. You’re going to Sulani.

Kai: *fist pump* Yes!

Prosperity: But, your gran and pop are going to take you.

Kai: You’re not going?

Prosperity: No. They want to spend some time with you, so I’m staying here.

Kai takes a bite of his hotdog and considers that for a while. I can’t read his mood.

Prosperity: Is that okay with you? It should be a lot of fun.

Kai: I’m okay with it, but what will you do while I’m gone? Will you be lonely?

I’m already lonely, but I don’t tell Kai that.

Prosperity: I’m sure I’ll find something interesting to do.

Kai: Not just homework, okay?

Prosperity: Okay. I promise.

Kai: Then I’m happy to go with gran and pop-pop.

Prosperity: Good. You’re going to have a great time.

Kai retreats to his bedroom, and I sit down to watch a movie. Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door and a key in the lock. Meri appears looking like he’s on the verge of attacking someone.

Prosperity: Roommate issues?

Merit: Yep

Prosperity: Want to talk about it?

Merit: Not really. I want to be around someone sweet and innocent for a change. Is Kai around?

Prosperity: He’s in his bedroom.

Meri enters Kai’s bedroom, and I guess they have a little man-to-boy conversation. It seems to me that Meri is the one that can use a vacation.

Meri rejoins me in the front room once Kai is in bed.

Prosperity: Are you okay?

Merit: Yeah. I appreciate the key and the invitation to come over any time.

I give Meri a big hug.

Prosperity: You’re welcome. But my offer still stands. Why wait until next term? If you want to move in sooner, the room downstairs is yours.

Merit: I’d like to.

Prosperity: Then why not? I can go and talk to Harvey about it now.

Merit: *frustrated sigh* Part of me still enjoys staying in the dorms. It’s convenient when I’m running late to class.

Prosperity: Then, you need to have a serious talk with your roommate to establish some ground rules.

Merit: I know.

I’m not convinced.

Prosperity: I’m serious, Merit! You can’t go on living like this. Put your foot down and let him know that you’re not going to put up with his shit.

Merit: I will! I will!

Prosperity: Good. Stay as long as you like. I’m going to bed.

I turn and leave Meri with free reign of the living room and kitchen.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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