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Banks Dynasty – Day 31.2 (Part 1)

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Another day, another assignment that sucks up all my time and my social life. It’s 6 in the morning, and I’m trying my best to finish up a presentation for my photography class. I know it’s time for a break when I accidentally stab my finger with a thumbtack. It’s way too early for this.

I receive an alert on my phone that there’s a special lottery going on. I’ve only ever gambled with my personal life, so I guess it’s time to try for something that can win me enough money to set Kai and me up for the rest of our lives.

I take a moment to think about what I’d do if I won. Would I even bother with finishing school? I pull my head out of the clouds in time to leave for class. Kai is right behind me as he heads to school as well.

Kai completes his last day of primary school as a straight-A student. It’s also his and some of the other kid’s last day of daycare, so Miss Charlie surprises them with a special water play day to celebrate.

Kai miscalculates his last run and ends up sliding down the slide on his face.

Liliana: Are you okay, Kai?

Kai‘s not sure if he’s okay. All he knows for sure is that his face and head hurts.

Kai seeks out a safer activity. Miss Charlie walks over…

Miss Charlie: I’m really going to miss having you here.

Kai: I’ll miss you too, Miss Charlie!

The other kids join Kai and Miss Charlie as they play in the sprinklers. It’s nice having an adult around who has no qualms about playing along with the kids.

I can hear laughter from a block away as I approach the daycare. Seeing Kai having such a great time with his friends reassures me that I made a great decision when enrolling him in this daycare. I know he’ll miss it a lot, but hopefully, he can still keep in touch with the friends he’s made here. Charlie sees me and waves as I approach.

Prosperity: This looks like a great way to celebrate the last day of daycare.

Miss Charlie: I figured the children would enjoy it. I guess I’m enjoying it a bit more than I should as well.

Prosperity: I have a little something for you, as appreciation for taking such great care of Kai these last two terms.

I pull out a gift, but Charlie seems visibly uncomfortable receiving it.

Miss Charlie: I was just doing my job.

Oh well, my gift isn’t appreciated, but as they say – it’s the thought that counts.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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