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Banks Dynasty – Day 32.2 (Part 3)

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My gift to Kai is a newly styled bedroom fit for a teen. He now has his own tv, stereo, and desk. He’s shown a lot of interest in soccer, so the art on his walls reflects that. I hope he likes it!

Meanwhile, I’m nearing the finish line when it comes to completing this semester. I’m one homework assignment and two final exams away. This college thing has been a long, arduous journey. I hope that Kai has picked up on some of my study habits.

Kai has learned a lot about studying from his mother. He even cracks open his textbook to go over a few things, although he hasn’t even officially started high school yet. After a bit of study, he enters the dining room and is surprised to see his uncle Merit.

Kai: Uncle M! What are you doing here?

Merit: I couldn’t miss your birthday, could I?

Kai: Looks like you’re more interested in using ma’s computer than me.

Merit closes Peri’s laptop and follows Kai into the kitchen.

Merit: Nah, I was just checking in on an old friend. How’s your birthday been so far?

Kai: Boring, honestly. Ma has finals, so we haven’t really celebrated. I’m looking forward to spending the weekend in Sulani with gran and pop, though.

Merit: Yeah, you’ll love it there.

I hear Meri and Kai’s voices in the kitchen. I put away my books and join them.

Prosperity: Hey, Meri!

Merit: What’s up, big sis?

I pull out Kai’s birthday cake and give them both a slice.

Prosperity: I checked with Harvey. You’re all cleared to move in downstairs this weekend if you’re ready.

Kai: You’re moving in, Uncle M?

Merit: Yep. It’s time for me to get out of those dorms.

Kai: Cool! We can hang out all the time now.

Prosperity: You can hang out some, but your uncle needs to focus on his classes, and you will too.

Merit: I’ll always make time for you, though, nephew.

Kai pulls out his phone and snaps a selfie.

Kai: What do you think, unc? Am I looking ripped or what?

Merit: Of course, it runs in the family.

Prosperity: How about you use those muscles to wash these dishes?

Kai: Yes, ma.

Kai turns to the sink and begins cleaning up.

After cleaning the kitchen, Kai and Merit settle in the living room to watch a movie. I wish I had time to join them, but there’s always more studying to do. I return to my bedroom.

Kai checks his phone, hoping that at least one of his friends would call or send him a text to wish him a happy birthday. The only thing he sees is the time, which lets him know that he’d better get some sleep to be ready to leave for Sulani tomorrow. He says goodnight to his uncle and goes to bed.

I finally finish my assignment and sit down on the couch next to Meri.

Prosperity: What’s up with you and the ball of clay? I remember that being a thing back when I was in high school.

Merit: It’s always been a thing. It’s a great stress reliever.

Meri splits his clay in two and gives me a big chunk of it.

Merit: Here, try it.

I take the clay and pinch, squeeze and prod it for a bit. As an art major – I guess I can see the appeal, but creatively, not mentally. The next thing I know, I’m asking my little brother for advice. He’s the only grown-up that I really have to talk to, so why not?

Prosperity: I need your thoughts on something.

Merit: Okay, what’s up?

Prosperity: Um…I made plans while Kai is away. With a guy.

Merit: What’s wrong with that?

Prosperity: The guy used to be Kai’s teacher back when he was in kindergarten.

Merit: Oh shit. Does Kai know?

Prosperity: No, and I’m not telling him. But, I still feel a bit guilty. Part of me thinks I should avoid him. What happens if things get serious? What would Kai think about the whole thing?

Merit: Kai is a reasonable kid. I don’t think he’d have a problem with it at all.

Prosperity: No?

Merit: Have you ever been out with the guy yet?

Prosperity: No. This will be the first time.

Merit: Maybe you should cross that bridge first, then.  You might not even like each other like that.

Meri has a point. I’ve only ever seen Mr. Washington twice.

Prosperity: You’re right! I’m lucky if we even get along.

I thank Meri for his advice, and he announces that he’d better get back to his room to do some last-minute studying. There’s nothing left for me to do but go to bed, so I do.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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