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Banks Dynasty – Day 33.2 (Part 1)

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Kai is leaving for Sulani today. I spend as much time with him as I can before it’s time for me to go to my first final.

Prosperity: Make sure you pack enough underwear. Always take more than you’ll need because you never know.

Kai: I will, ma.

Prosperity: Okay, I have to go. We’ll say our goodbyes when I get back.

I hurry back home as soon as I’ve completed my final. I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to my baby. It’s been just him and me for so long. The house will feel empty without him.

Prosperity: * hugs Kai* Be good and take lots of pictures. I’ll miss you.

Kai: I’ll miss you too, ma.

Mentioning Craig is a sensitive subject, but I have to bring it up…

Prosperity: If you happen to see your father – remember what I said. It may not go the way you want.

I hope I’m wrong, but knowing Craig – I’m sure my warning is needed.

Kai: Okay. I’ll keep it in mind.

Prosperity: Good. You’d better go, or you’ll miss your ride.

Kai walks out the door, and I stand there watching, missing him already. After he’s gone, I sit down on the couch to pout, but my melancholy is interrupted by a text from Mr. Washington.

Waddell’s Text: Are we still on for today?

Prosperity’s Text: Y. See you after my last final.

Waddell’s Text: Looking forward to it.

He sends me an address of where he’d like us to meet. I have no idea what he has in mind, but I’m looking forward to the surprise. I’m suddenly very excited and a bit nervous about seeing him today.

I have some time before my last final. I sit down to try to cram as much information into my brain as possible, but my computer has others ideas. I’m suddenly faced with the blue screen of death. Oh well, I guess that means that I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I use my remaining time to make a couple of BLT sandwiches for my meet-up with Mr. Washington. I won’t call it a date just yet. I’m sure food will be a part of whatever he has planned, but I don’t want to show up empty-handed.

The sandwiches are packed and ready to go. So am I. I need to get the last final out of the way. I call up a computer repairperson and head out the door. An hour and a half later, I return with another completed term under my belt and an “A” grade point average.

I find Mr. Washington waiting at the address that he gave me. It’s the Bluffs in Windenburg. It’s a beautiful, unexpected location, and I’m a sucker for scenery.

Waddell: I’m sorry. If I knew it would be this hot, I would have chosen an indoor place.

Prosperity: I was born and raised in Oasis Springs. A little heat has never bothered me.

He seems pleased to hear that.

We walk over to the edge of the cliffs making small talk.

Prosperity: So, why’d you choose this location?

Waddell: I used to spend a lot of time here as a youngster. It’s one of my favorite spots in town. I figured you hadn’t been here yet.

Prosperity: I haven’t. I’m glad you chose it. So you grew up here?

Waddell: Sorta. My time was divided between two divorced parents. My dad lived here, so this is where I spent my weekends. But I attended school in Willow Creek, where I lived with my mom.

Prosperity: Do you have any siblings?

Waddell: A couple of stepbrothers, but I’m not close to them. They basically treated me like crap growing up, which is why I spent so much time here.

Prosperity: So I take it there’s a stepmom to go along with those brothers.

Waddell: Yeah. She was okay. I had the impression that I was an inconvenience for her – someone else to take care of.

Prosperity: Sorry to hear that.

Waddell: It’s all good. She didn’t mistreat me. She was just a bit overwhelmed at times.

We pause to take in the scenery.

Prosperity: So, is there more to this place? Show me all your favorite spots.

Waddell: Okay, yeah.

Mr. Washington leads the way to the ruins, where there is a natural pool and a nice little spot to sit and take in the views. I see that he came prepared with a cooler. We continue our conversation.

Waddell: So what about you? You grew up in Oasis Springs. Any siblings?

Prosperity: I have a younger brother.

Waddell: Are you close?

Prosperity: I was a teen by the time he was born, so he was more of a pain in the ass back then. But we’re growing a lot closer now. He’s moving in with us this weekend. Well – he’ll be renting the apartment downstairs, to be more accurate. I’m looking forward to it, though. Kai is extra thrilled about it.

Waddell: That sounds promising. It’s always nice to be close to family. My parents have passed now, so it’s just me. Well, me and my dog Dapper.

It’s the second time he’s mentioned his dog. I’m not a dog person, but I can tell that Mr. Washington loves his.

Waddell: Are you hungry? Thirsty? I brought some drinks and some food to grill up.

Prosperity: I’ve got something, too.

I pull out the bags of sandwiches that I made. I’m starving because I haven’t had time to stop and eat today.

Prosperity: Do you mind if I -?

Waddell: Of course not, go ahead.

I grab a sandwich and begin to eat, but Mr. Washington doesn’t touch his. He seems content with just talking, but I don’t mind. I enjoy hearing his voice. And he has a lot of interesting things to say.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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