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Banks Dynasty – Day 33.2 (Part 3)

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I opened a door with a stupid joke, and I’m sure Waddell (we’re obviously beyond formalities now) wasn’t quite ready to reveal what’s behind it.  But he goes on…

Waddell: I found out when I was 16, after a terrible bicycle accident.  It’s been devastating, but I’m finally beginning to come to terms with it. I try to bring up as soon as possible before any potential relationship because – I know it can be a deal-breaker.

I’ve forgotten how to speak, or at least how to form words to respond to what this man is telling me. When my brain finally cooperates and gives me words – they are entirely unrelated to anything he has said.

Prosperity: Is there a bathroom?

He’s visibly taken aback, then his face settles, and I can see that he’s taken my response as a rejection instead of what it is really is – a serious need to go pee.

Waddell: *small voice* Uh, sorry. You’ll have to go in a bush.

He stares after me as I swim away. I know he’s waiting for a response, but I can’t even evaluate how I feel about what he’s said until I relieve myself. I swim into some bushes and climb out where he can’t see me.

I pee and then slip my clothes back on. I find him standing at the edge of the pool, fully dressed. I’m sure in his head; he thinks that our evening is over. But all I can think about is that I don’t care if he can’t have kids. I don’t want another child anyway. Kai is enough. I step over to him and tell him as much.

Prosperity: I don’t care.

He turns and looks at me. It’s his turn to be confused.

Waddell: What?

Prosperity: You can’t have children, and I don’t want any, so what’s next?

Waddell: You say it as if it isn’t a big deal.

Prosperity: It isn’t.

Waddell: But it is for me.

Here I am, being insensitive again. I’m not thinking about how his reality affects him, only how it’s convenient for me.

Prosperity: I’m sorry because you’d be an incredible dad. You were a positive male role model for my son when he needed it most. I’m sure it’s the same for a lot of your students.

Waddell: I wish that were enough.

I do too, and I realize that nothing I can say will make it enough. I question the fairness of it all. Craig has a child but doesn’t even know his name. And here, I have a great guy standing in front of me, who’d probably give anything to get a chance to be a father, but the cards weren’t dealt in his favor.

Waddell: Prosperity, the last thing I want to do is –

I discovered a long time ago that men talk too much. His mouth is moving with words, but I’d love to see it moving for other purposes. I want to kiss him, so I do. He responds and kisses me back.  His soft lips gently envelop mine, and my emotions flood with warm lustful colors. It shuts him up for a while. But when the kissing stops, he’s talking again –

Waddell: You’re still young. You might change your mind.

He’s protecting his heart. It’s evident to me that someone has broken it before. I let him say what he needs to say, but it doesn’t change my mind.

We agree that it’s late and time to leave the bluffs, but I have just one more thing to say.

Prosperity: *flirty* What if I said that I’m not quite ready to go home?

Waddell: I’ll take you wherever you want to go.
Prosperity: How about your place?

Finally, the smile that I’ve been waiting for!

Luckily his place is very close to the bluffs. His dog Dapper is outside to greet us when we arrive. I hold my hand out to let him sniff it, but he draws back and growls at me.

Waddell: Dapper, no! *to Peri* Don’t worry, that means he likes you. Before long, he’ll be your best friend.

What? How does he respond to people he doesn’t like? This is why I don’t care for dogs.

Dapper remains outside while Waddell leads me into his home. His place is nice and very masculine, a true bachelor’s pad. I like it. But I’m not here for a tour.

He’s not either. This time it’s not left up to me to make the first move. He steps over, and we continue where we left off at the bluffs.

Waddell: My bedroom is this way.

I try not to appear too eager, but I haven’t been with anyone in years. This man has invaded my dreams more than once, and I want to see if my visions were accurate. We undress, and I finally get to see the assets that the water was hiding.  As I observed earlier, he has the right parts – supersized. We slip under the covers, and he pulls me into his arms. I can tell this man is experienced, and I want to be wrapped up in it. He delivers with his full attention and patience. As we make woohoo, I realize that it’s more than just woohoo. I feel like we’re building something, laying a foundation and brick with every touch and every glance.

After woohoo…

Prosperity: So, that’s what it’s supposed to feel like.

He takes it as a compliment and laughs. I laugh too, but I’m serious. No one has ever made me feel like this before.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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