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Banks Dynasty – Day 34.2 (Part 2)

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Kai follows Tiffani’s directions to the research center. He steps inside and looks around, feeling slightly closer to his father since he now knows that he spent a lot of time here. He wonders if his mom worked here as well.

Kai continues looking around and finds some interesting things to see but doesn’t find anything that would lead him to his father. All he knows is that he could be in Evergreen Harbor.

 Kai returns to the rental and finds his pop-pop and gran outside enjoying the sunshine. Pop is in the water, but his gran relaxes in a lounge chair.

Kai feels he can use a bit of sun as well. He relaxes on a beach towel near his gran. She seems incredibly subdued and appears to drift in and out of sleep. Kai doesn’t think anything of it. He figures that’s just what older people do.

Kai lathers on some sunscreen determined to leave Sulani with a nice tan.

Meanwhile, Quincy receives some bad news about an old friend of his – Roman Hart. He has plenty of regrets surrounding Roman. They were really good friends in high school, but Alida and Roman grew to hate one another after Alida beat him up for breaking Michelle’s heart. Out of respect for his wife, Q has avoided Roman for years. Now he’s gone.

After some time in the sun, Kai ends up with a nice tan. He cools off a bit in the water before it’s time for him and his grandparents to go to dinner. He checks in on his gran, who finally seems a bit more animated.

Kai: Are you okay, gran?

Alida: I’m fine. *gives Kai a hug* Get dressed so we can eat.

The sun is down when Kai and his grandparents arrive at the Beach Shack Bar & Grill. They are seated near the bar. The waitress comes to quickly take their order.

Quincy: We should plan something big for our last day here. Maybe a Sulani style bar-b-que.

Alida: That would be fun.

Quincy: It can be sort of a late birthday party for you, Kai.

Kai is disappointed that he couldn’t locate his father, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t still enjoy the rest of his time here.

Kai: Yeah, sure.

Alida: *feels strange* I think I need to go to the bathroom.

Alida stands but stops there near the table.

Quincy: Okay *turns back to Kai* Did you get a chance to go to the bar that I was telling you about?

Kai: No

Quincy: Maybe we can do it there. What do you think, ma?

Alida doesn’t answer. By the time Q and Kai finally recognize that…she’s already collapsed on the ground.

Kai: *covers his mouth in shock* Gran?

It takes a while for Q to comprehend what is happening.

Quincy: Alida…babe?

Time slows as Kai and Q stare at Alida’s lifeless body.

Quincy: Somebody call an ambulance!

The other patrons in the restaurant hurry over to help.

But it’s too late. There’s nothing that anyone can do. When death arrives, Q pleads his case.

Quincy: Please, don’t take her. Take me instead. Please take me instead!

What’s done is done. Alida is truly gone.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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