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Banks Dynasty – Day 35.2 (Part 1)

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In Strangerville…

Veronica: Night, mommy.

Michelle: Good night, Roni. Sleep well – I love you!

Veronica: I love you, too.

Michelle walks up the stairs and into her bedroom. It’s past midnight, so she’s surprised when her phone suddenly rings. It’s Peri.

Michelle: *on the phone* Peri! I’m surprised to hear from you. Is everything okay?

Prosperity: *on the phone* Auntie Michelle – I’m sorry, but I have some very bad news.

Michelle can feel the blood drain from her face.

Michelle holds it together as best she can as Peri tells her the details of her best friend – her sister’s death. She knew that this time would come eventually, but nothing prepared her for the devastation that rattles her down to her very soul.

♪  ‘Cause you were my sister, my strength and my pride
Only God may know why, still I will get by

How sweet were the closest of friends
But I’ll wait for the day when I’ll see you again
I’ll see you again ♫ (source)

Roni stays up a bit longer, but soon fatigue makes it hard for her to continue. It’s time for bed. She heads upstairs but pauses when she hears sobbing coming from her mother’s bedroom. She walks over to the door and knocks gently.

Veronica: *worried and scared* Mommy?

Grief makes her weak. This heartbreak is all that Michelle can take. Her time is near; she can feel it in her bones. Michelle will be joining Alida tonight, but first – she has to say goodbye to her daughter. She gets up to answer Roni’s knock.

Roni waits patiently at the door for her mother to open it. But instead, she hears Michelle collapse on her bedroom floor. Roni bursts through the door and sees her lying there. Michelle is gone, and Roni is an orphan for the 2nd time in her life.

Grief can drown you, leaving you buried in a blue fog so dense that you can’t see what’s around you.  It remains there, holding you down until you can’t tell which way is up. I’ve been here before, but this time is different. My mother is gone. My fearless, beautiful, loving mother – my rock, my foundation, and I don’t know how to go on without her without feeling that I’m just going to float away.

Quincy and Kai return to Britechester after spending their last night in Sulani.

Quincy: Are you going to be okay, son?

Kai: I don’t know. I want my mama.

Quincy knows the feeling too well.

Quincy: *helpless tone* Let’s go inside.

Kai and Q enter the house and see Merit asleep on the couch.

Kai: Ma?

Suddenly I hear my son’s voice, pulling me out of the muck before I become too lost in my emotions. I have to be okay for him. I slip on my robe and hurry into the living room and pull Kai into my arms. His body trembles with emotion. He’s a wreck, and I can see in his eyes that he probably hasn’t slept all night.

After our hug, Kai excuses himself and goes into his bedroom. Merit wakes up from all the commotion.

Merit: What’s going on?

I summon daddy to follow me into the kitchen.

Prosperity: Daddy, how are you holding up?

Quincy: I don’t know that I am.

Prosperity: You should stay here with us. Kai and I can share my bed and –

Quincy: No. I need to get back home and make arrangements for your ma.

Prosperity: You shouldn’t be alone.

Meri walks over before daddy can respond.

Merit: He won’t be alone. I’m going back home with him.

Prosperity: What? But I thought you were moving in today.

Merit: I need to get back home. Roni called last night. Auntie Michelle passed away after hearing the news.

Prosperity: *shocked* What?

Merit: Roni’s all alone now. She needs me.

Prosperity: Poor Roni. I’m sorta glad ma’s not here to hear that.

Quincy: Me too. It would have broken her heart for sure.

Prosperity: *to Merit* What about school?

Merit: I’ll enroll in some distance learning classes.

Kai enters the kitchen and goes to the refrigerator. The discussion on Merit moving back home ends there. I don’t want Kai to have to deal with the disappointment of his uncle not moving in right now. It’s something I’ll talk to him about later.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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