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Banks Dynasty – Day 35.2 (Part 2)

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I go in to check on Kai after daddy and Merit leave to grab Merit’s stuff from the dorms and return to Oasis Springs.

Prosperity: Are you okay?

Kai: Yes *pauses*…no, not really.

Prosperity: I’m so sorry you had to witness that – with your gran. I was there when my gran passed too. I know what it’s like.

Kai: It’s not just that…

Kai stops and wipes away tears.

Prosperity: What’s going on, Kai? You can talk to me. You know that.

Kai picks up his sandwich but doesn’t take a bite. He thinks for a moment, then puts it back on his plate.

Kai: About anything?

Prosperity: Yes, of course.

Kai: I went to look for my father – in Sulani.

I brace myself, prepared to hear the worst because I can’t imagine anything involving Craig going well.

Prosperity: What did he say to you?

Kai: That’s the thing, he’s not there anymore.

Prosperity: Oh. Well, did you find out where he is?

Kai: This lady was there. She said she dated him. She was upset when I told her that I was his son. Did dad cheat on her with you?

I pause and think about it. I believe I know who Kai is talking about.

Prosperity: Honestly, I don’t know Kai. Your dad and I didn’t exactly have a relationship, but I didn’t think he was seeing someone else.

Kai: Oh

Prosperity: Did she tell you where he is?

Kai: She said that he went to Evergreen Harbor. But she didn’t know where or if he’s still there.

Evergreen Harbor…that’s where my friend Wild moved. If Craig is there, I’m 100 percent sure Wild can tell me where.

Prosperity: I think I know someone that can help find him. I’ll call her up.

Kai: You’ll do that? I didn’t think you wanted me to find him.

Prosperity: At first, I didn’t. But your dad and I made a deal without thinking of you, and I’m sorry about that. His feelings no longer matter. This is about you, and we’re going to find him. I promise!

I leave Kai’s bedroom and go into the kitchen to call Wild but realize that I’m starving. I’ll eat first, then call her up. As I sit there, memories of mama suddenly flood my thoughts. I think about how she would have handled Craig. I spent all these years hiding from him, but I do not doubt that mama would have faced him head-on a long time ago. I need to channel some of her boldness.

Kai remains in his bedroom. I want to check on him, but I also want to wait until I have an update on his father. I call up my friend Wild. We spend a few moments catching up, which we haven’t done in years since we both lead hectic lives. But we fall right back into a natural conversation as if we just saw one another yesterday. Then I ask her about Craig.

Wildflower: *on the phone* Yes, Peri. He’s here. We’re working on a project together.

I’m so happy to hear that – for Kai’s sake.

I hurry to Kai’s bedroom to tell him the good news. He’s sleeping, and there’s no way I’m going to wake him. Watcher knows he needs all the rest that he can get. I go to my bedroom to begin studying for my classes for next term instead, because I know I’ll have to get a head start on everything. My life will be twice as busy with mama’s memorial and dealing with Craig, all happening simultaneously as my full load of classes.

Kai wakes up feeling heavy and impossibly tired after his nap. The weight of his emotions is too much, and he’s not quite sure how to deal with it all. He wonders if he’ll ever feel normal again or if this is his new reality.

Suddenly his phone rings, and he can feel a bit of sunshine peeking its way through the clouds of grief. He answers and is happy to hear his friend’s voice that he thought had forgotten about him.

After his call, Kai goes into his mother’s bedroom.

Kai sits down on my bed, and I close up my textbook, prepared to tell him the good news.

Kai: Ma, a friend of mine, from when I used to go to daycare, wants to stop by. Is that okay?

I’m happy to hear that. Kai needs someone that’s his age to talk to.

Prosperity: Of course. That would be great. I also have some news for you. My friend knows where your father is – and we’re going to go and see him next week.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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