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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 48)

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Melisa sometimes feels left out when she’s around her brother and sister. They get along better and have a lot more in common with one another than she does. This 2nd born of the triplets has the Country Caretaker aspiration and the Animal Affection, Clumsy, Good, and Collector traits.

Jay and Lia are both loud and love attention, while Melisa is content to fade off into the background and enjoy quieter activities. This has sparked up her desire to call up her friends and try to talk them into starting up a community garden volunteer club with her at the nearby Community Space.

While she waits for everyone to arrive, she places her vote in the box for how the space should be used next. She’d love to see it being used as a maker space for a while, so everyone who’s interested could come and learn how to make candles and other crafts.

Then she heads off to her favorite part of the lot – the animal sanctuary where chickens and wild bunnies can be found. She finds the cutest bunny and walks over to it, hoping to pet it. To her surprise, she’s able to.

Melisa: Aren’t you the cutest? I think I’ll name you Ebony.

The chickens and rooster are cute too, but sometimes they aren’t as friendly. She lays some feed out for the rooster and manages to collect a few eggs while the chickens are occupied.

Melisa makes her way over to the grub farms. As far as she’s concerned anything alive can earn a place in her heart. Her friend Kendra spots her with a big fat grub in her hand.

Kendra: Ew, Me-Me. You’re not seriously playing with a worm, are you?

Melisa: It’s not a worm – it’s a grub.

Kendra: Nasty is what it is! Please put that down.

Me-Me places the grub back in the insect farm and walks over to Kendra.

Kendra: So what are we doing here?

Melisa: You know how our Social Studies teacher says that we can get extra credit for any volunteer work that we do?

Kendra: Yeah

Melisa: Well, I thought maybe we could volunteer here. We can start a club and meet here after school to help water the plants and feed the chickens and stray dogs and cats.

Kendra: Will I have to touch the nasty worms?

Melisa: No, not at all.

Kendra: Then I’m in. I can use some extra credit, cause that last test was brutal.

Melisa: Thanks, Kendra!

Kendra walks away, and Me-Me gives her other friend Shania the same spiel. She also agrees to join the club. Now the only other person Me-Me has to try to convince is her sister Lia.

The only problem that Me-Me has with the Community Space is that she never wants to leave. It’s after dark, and her friends have left, but she’s still there weeding the plants. The only thing that stops her is a call from her mom.

Jalisa: *on the phone* Where are you? You should have been home hours ago.

Melisa: *on the phone* I know, mom. I’m sorry. I’m still helping out at the Community Garden. My friends and I are starting a volunteer club.

Jalisa: That sounds great, and I’m proud of you, but you can’t stay out all night.

Melisa: Okay. I’m on my way back now.

Me-Me ends the call and takes one last look at the baby plants before heading back down the street to her home. She can’t wait to return to the garden after school tomorrow.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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