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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 50)

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Fed Up & Exhausted

The triplets arrive home from school and change out of their uniforms. All three of them have final projects to complete for school, but Jay doesn’t even bother. Lia and Me-Me go outside to work on theirs. They have the same projects and could work together, but Me-Me doesn’t want to. Lia is notorious for doing the bare minimum, but Me-Me puts a lot more time into her work and would rather do it alone.

Without her sister’s help, Lia is already overwhelmed with the whole thing. Just looking at all the materials causes Lia to shed a few tears. But, once she’s done crying  – she’s ready to get to work.

Suddenly, the sky opens up, and a heavy rain begins to fall. Lia throws together the rest of her rocket project, which barely launches, and hurries inside. Me-Me takes her time, but at a cost. As she nears the end of her project, she’s feeling very uncomfortable.

Inside, Merlin asks Lia if she wants to help make dinner. She agrees, but her mood hasn’t improved since she finished school for the day. She stomps and throws a mini tantrum in frustration after dropping one of the ingredients on the floor.

Jamelia: Dang it! Stupid, dumb piece of eggplant!

Merlin: If you take on that attitude while cooking, people will be able to taste it in your food. The eggplant did nothing to you, so is there anything you want to discuss?

Jamelia: No.

Merlin: Well, if you want to help, you have to approach it calmly, collectedly. Like this – *demonstrates* See! Nice and smooth – made with love!

Lia takes mental notes.

Despite Lia’s sour attitude, the meal comes out perfect. After dinner, Lia and Jay are on clean-up duty, but Lia seems to be the only one doing the work.

Jamelia:  *to Jay* Are you going to help or just stand there looking like a dummy?

Jalin: *mocking tone* Standing here looking like a dummy is perfectly fine to me!

Lia gives up on trying to get help from Jay and finishes washing all the dishes herself.

While her siblings are downstairs arguing about cleaning up, Me-Me is upstairs filling out her college applications. Everyone else is in bed by the time she finishes.

It’s been a long day, and it all catches up to her. The pressure of trying to improve her grades and get into a distinguished program in college is too much. An exhausted Me-Me doesn’t even make it to her bedroom. Instead, she collapses right there on the floor in the hallway.

BDC: After the Costumes Summaries | read from the beginning

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