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28 Blind Dates: After the Costumes (Part 55)

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Welcome to Young Adulthood (1)

Me-Me has been trying not to stress so much about her college admissions, but sheโ€™s still feeling tense with anticipation. She decides to check her admissions status one more time before celebrating her birthday with her siblings and aging up. She logs in and discovers that sheโ€™s been admitted to Britechester and Foxbury. Foxbury is where she really wants to go and sheโ€™s thrilled to know that sheโ€™s been accepted into five different distinguished programs!ย  Her hard work (and the expensive private school education) has paid off big time!

Itโ€™s time for the triplets to age up! Jay, being the oldest, blows out the candles first. Jalin still has the Party Animal aspiration and the Gregarious, Loves the Outdoors, and Slob traits. He has now added on the Bro and Storm Chaser traits.

Me-Me ages up next but has a tough time blowing out the candles.

Melisa: *frustrated* Are these trick candles?

Jalin: No. You saw me blow them out – try harder.

Me-Me eventually blows them out and ages up with a new Academic aspiration. Along with her previous traits of Good, Clumsy, Collector, and Animal Affection – she adds on the Loves Outdoors, Responsible, and Morning Sim traits.

Last up is Lia, the youngest of the triplets. She ages up, keeping her Master Chef aspiration.ย  Her previous Hates Children, Dog Lover, and Essence of Flavor traits are now rounded out with the High Maintenance, Observant, and Great Story-teller traits.

The family sits down to enjoy the tripletโ€™s birthday cake, knowing that this might be the last time they sit around this table together for a while. After cake, Jalisa and Merlin give each of them their gifts – an expensive camera to take pictures of their new adventures.

Melisa: Thank you, mom. I love it!

Jalisa: Youโ€™re welcome. Just make sure you post your pictures so your dad and I can see what youโ€™re up to in college.

Melisa: I will, I promise.

Lia opens her gift.

Jamelia: *surprised* This is a top-of-the-line camera.

Merlin: I know.

Jamelia: That means it was expensive.

Lia is very aware of how cheap her father can be.

Merlin: I know that too, but youโ€™ll need a good camera if you ever decide to start a food blog or you want to publish your own cookbook one day.

Jamelia:ย  Thank you, dad! This means a lot to me.

Jalisa gives Jay his camera next.

Jalin: But I wonโ€™t need a camera while in basic training, mom.

Jalisa: *not fooled* Now, you and I both know that you have no intentions of joining the military.

Jalin: *relieved* How did you know?

Jalisa: Youโ€™re my son. I carried you in my body. I know when youโ€™re just saying what you think we want to hear. Choose a career that makes you happy.

Jalin: Even if itโ€™s just starting a gaming SimTube channel?

Jalisa: As long as you know that, it wonโ€™t be easy. And if you turn that SimTube channel into an entire Media Company, I think youโ€™ll be surprised at how lucrative gaming can be. I know that from covering the GeekCon as a journalist for so many years.

Jalin pulls Jalisa into a hug.

Jalin: Thank you, mom! Iโ€™m going to miss you.

Jalisa: Iโ€™ll just be a phone call away. Oh, and one more piece of advice.

Jalin: Whatโ€™s that, mom?

Jalisa: Keep your darn room clean! I donโ€™t want to see a dirty room behind you in your gaming videos!

Jalin: *laughs* Iโ€™ll try.

The Wells-Brown triplets are now young adults and getting ready to set off on their own to start their lives. They all take a break from their planning and packing to take a set of new family portraits.

BDC: After the Costumes Summariesย |ย read from the beginning

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