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Banks Dynasty – Day 5.3 (Part 3)

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Annette wants to meet up at a nightclub in Windenburg. I rush back to my room to change and meet her there right on time. Annette compliments my haircut right away, and I respond by telling her that she looks pretty.

It’s my first time going to a club, so I try to play it cool. Most people are on the dance floor. Luckily the music is good, and I find myself moving to it right away. I’m not the best dancer, but I can hold my own enough and not embarrass myself.

The only issue is, it’s been a long day, and I’m exhausted. I should have postponed this date for another day. I turn my back and do my best to stifle a yawn. I don’t want Annette to think I’m bored with her. She sees it anyway, though.

Annette: *shouting over the music* Everything okay? Am I boring you?

Kai: *equally as loud* What was that?

Annette: *loud voice* I was asking if I was boring you.

Kai: *practically shouting* No, it’s just been a long day. I moved into the dorms today and didn’t get much sleep last night.

Annette: *slightly quieter* Maybe there’s something I can do to make you forget that you’re tired.

I’d ask her what that is, but judging by the way she’s looking at me and her tone of voice – I can guess what it is.

Annette: *loud voice* I’m glad you decided to hang out with me tonight.

Kai: *loud voice* Me too.

That’s not the complete truth. I’d prefer to be in bed asleep, but it seems like the right thing to say.

As I’m standing there – some guy decides that now would be the perfect time to do a few pushups. As he drops down to the floor, he bumps into me, making me trip slightly. I step forward towards Annette to avoid falling. My face is suddenly inches from her. She shuts her eyes and closes the small gap between us. The next thing I know, our lips are touching, and I’m having my first kiss. It’s nice, but not really how I thought my first kiss would go. Annette seems happy with it, though.

Annette: That was unexpected.

That’s an understatement.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Annette, and I think she’s pretty and sweet – I just don’t feel like I’m at my best tonight. The club music is loud and pumping, making it hard to talk without shouting. People are all around us, and occasionally a wayward arm brushes against my back as someone bumps into me from dancing too close to us.  Lights are flashing here and there, and I can still taste Annette’s fruit-flavored lip gloss on my lips.  It feels a lot like stimulus overload for me right now, and I’d rather be almost anywhere else. I try to explain that in the nicest way possible.

Kai: Annette, I’m having a great time, but I don’t know if I’m feeling up to this tonight.

She misinterprets what I’m saying.

Annette: So, you want to go somewhere quieter?

Quieter sounds terrific – but the quiet I’m thinking of involves me in my bed, alone. She’s thinking of something completely different.

Annette: *flirty* I know someplace we can go and finish what we started.

I take a moment to check myself and question why I’m acting like this. This girl wants to be around me, and all I can think of is leaving. I was the one that approached her at the café, not the other way around. She didn’t have to call me, but she did. So, I should at least act like I want to be here.

Kai: Yeah, sure. Let’s go.

Annette leads me down a flight of stairs. As we descend, I find myself wondering two things; one, how does she know what’s down these stairs, which leads to question number two – how many other guys has she led down these stairs? But then again, does it matter, and do I want to know?

I follow her down a short hallway to a set of closets. She’s right, it is much quieter down here, and we’re alone. So, maybe this won’t be so bad. I step inside the closet.

Kai: Are you coming?

She giggles and follows me in.

I pull her into my arms, and we kiss, which I enjoy a lot more than our accidental kiss. She draws me closer and wraps her legs around me. The air in the small closet is thick with lust and longing. I use the wall to support her as I move in as close as I possibly can. Annette’s hands find my belt buckle. Suddenly I freeze as everything my mom told me earlier slaps me in my face. This situation sounds exactly like what she was describing. And unfortunately, I don’t have any protection.

I suddenly want her so bad, but I suspect it’s just my body reacting to being touched in ways that I’ve never experienced before. My head knows that I have to stop this before it goes too far. But how? The best thing I can do is try to distract her.

Kai: Wait, Annette – I think I hear someone outside the door.

Annette: Huh? So what?

Kai: Maybe their coat is in here. We should check.

I don’t wait for a response. Instead, I open the closet door, and we both spill out.

Annette: There’s no one here, Kai.

Kai: My mistake, maybe they were going to the restroom. Let’s get a drink.

I hope Annette is okay with us just making out. It was enough for me, but I can’t lie. It makes me excited for what might come after that.

Drink seems to be the magic word. Annette doesn’t object as we make our way back up the stairs and walk to the bar. We sit down, and I tell her to order whatever she wants because I have no idea what to order at a bar. She asks for a Ridgeport on the rocks, and I do as well.

Annette: We should do this again soon.

Kai: Yeah, we should.

That’s the truth. I like Annette, and I’d love to see her again. I just need to be better prepared next time. I take a big sip of my drink while I try to think of what to do next.

Then I remember what my Pop-pop said about trying to get to know her. So once again, we find ourselves trying to talk over the music.

Kai: *loud voice* So, you said that you attend Foxbury? What’s your major?

Annette: *loud voice* My what?

Kai: I was asking what your major is.

Annette: Oh, I’m undecided.

Kai: I think I mentioned that I’m a Biology major. But I’m not quite sure what I want to do with it.

Annette nods politely, but I can tell that she didn’t hear a word I said with the music blaring behind her. Talking isn’t going to work in this setting. So I need to come up with something else or figure out how to end this date.

I tell her the truth.

Kai: Well, this has been fun, but I have an early class tomorrow. I think I’d better go or I won’t wake up on time.

Annette: Yeah, I’d better go too. See you soon?

Kai: Sure, I’ll call you.

Annette finally gets up to leave, and I’m all too happy to walk out right behind her.

I make my way back to the Foxbury campus and enter my on-campus house. I go upstairs, hoping to get to my room as quickly as possible. But I end up meeting my last two roommates on the upstairs landing. They seem okay, but I’m too tired to chat for long. In my bedroom, I collapse on top of my bed without even bothering to undress.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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