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Banks Dynasty – Day 6.3 (Part 1)

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It’s a miracle, but I manage to wake up early enough to not only get ready for class but head to the student center for breakfast. The only issue is, I arrive too early. I approach the cafeteria worker.

Kai:  Good morning. Can I get an order of French toast?

Cafeteria Worker: Good morning. I’m sorry, but breakfast opens at 7 am.

Kai: But it’s 6:51. You’re standing there, I’m here, and the food is ready. Can’t you just –

Cafeteria Worker: 7 am!

This guy is not about to budge. He makes me stand there, staring at him, until seven on the dot.

I’m finally able to place my order:

Cafeteria Worker: So, what can I get for you?

I guess his ears didn’t open until seven, either.

Kai: Like I said a few moments ago – an order of French toast.

He grabs the toast and puts it on a plate.

Cafeteria Worker: Here you are! Have a nice day.

I’m going to have a late day messing around with him. I thank him, grab my plate, and walk over to the nearest table.

As I’m sitting there, I suddenly hear a motor and the sound of mechanical gears coming my way. I turn to look and see a robot entering the student center.

The robot sits down in front of me and starts reciting facts about my breakfast.

Robot: *robotic voice* One regular slice of French toast has 20 grams of carbs, 6 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein, and 159 calories. You have two portions, which equals –

Kai: *interrupts* Uh, thanks, but I didn’t ask for any of that.

Robot: *continues* It will take you 55 minutes to burn off all the calories with low impact aerobics and 83 minutes to burn them off from walking 3.0 miles per hour.

This place is weird. But my meal is delicious, and I’m not going to let this bot ruin that for me.

I hurry out the door because I’ll be late for my first class if I sit there any longer with the strange bot. I get to the top of the nearest stairs, and there she is! It’s the girl that I saw in the student center yesterday, standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at her phone.

My stomach plunges as if I just went down a hill fast. What do I do? I can risk approaching her, or I can turn and go down another set of stairs.

I remember my New Year’s resolution and that my goal is to take more chances this year. I descend the stairs and step up to her.

Kai: Hey there! Are you new here? Can I help you find your way anywhere?

Suddenly she’s looking at me with pretty eyes that make me want to melt, right then and there.

Beautiful Girl: Am I that obvious? I was looking for the Math and Engineering building.

Kai: Oh! I know where that is.

At least, I hope I do. It’s not like I’ve been here any longer than she has.

Kai: I can show you if you want.

Beautiful Girl: Sure

I start heading towards the building that I think might be the Math and Engineering building, with those pretty eyes and that beautiful face walking beside me.

Kai: I’m Kai, by the way – Kai Banks.

Melisa: Hello Kai. I’m Melisa Brown*.

I have her name! I run it through my mind several times as I point out the building to our left.

Kai: That building there is the Math and Engineering building.

Melisa: Okay, thank you, Kai.

She takes a couple of steps towards the building. I have to stop her. Just having her name isn’t enough.

Kai: Uh, hey! What’s your major?

She turns back to face me.

Melisa: I’m a physics major.

What have I done to win the Watcher’s favor?

Kai: Really? I’m a biology major. I believe we’ll be taking some of the same classes.

(*Note: Yes, that Melisa Brown)

Melisa: Cool

We stand there for a few moments as she waits for me to respond, and I try to think of what to say next. The stillness makes me instantly aware of how cold it is as we stand there. It’s supposed to be Spring, but I guess the Britechester weather didn’t get the memo. Our hot breath meeting the frigid air makes us look like a couple of awkward dragons with each exhale.

Kai: Um, yeah – so I hope to see you again…in one of my classes.

Melisa: I just hope you’ll know how to get there.

Is this a burn? What does she mean by that?

Kai: Why do you say that?

Melisa: The campus map on the app that I was just looking at says that the Math and Engineering building is that way, close to the student center.

She nods towards the stairs behind me, then smiles slightly to soften the impact of my embarrassment and my heart along with it.

Kai: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m actually new here, too.

Melisa: I figured that. It was nice to meet you, Kai. Thanks for your help!

I give her an awkward wave as she walks away. That didn’t go so bad, I hope. At least I now know her name, and she knows mine.

Then I remember that I have class and I’m seriously late. So I take off towards the building.

After class, I return to the student center, hoping that my tardiness didn’t leave too bad of an impression on my professor. But, as expected, most of the seats were taken, forcing me to sit up front, passing right in front of the professor as they were in the middle of giving the class some critical information.

Back at the student center, I walk over to the gaming area to decrease my tense mood. A few rounds of sports in the virtual gaming console is just what I need. Now I’m ready for whatever else the day throws at me.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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