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Banks Dynasty – Day 6.3 (Part 2)

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At least, I think I’m ready until I walk around the corner and see Melisa sitting there at my usual table. How many times can I approach her in one day without seeming weird? So I pretend not to see her and sit down at the other end of the table to start my homework. But I’m well aware of her. She sits there for a while, then gets up and walks away. I realize that I accomplished nothing by sitting there pretending not to see her.

I hope that she didn’t notice me and, more importantly, that she wasn’t offended by my pretending. But, I don’t know; something about her makes me crazy to the point of not knowing what to do.

Then she returns, and from the corner of my eye, I see that she’s heading my way. Oh, Watcher! Would you mind helping me?

To make matters even worse (or better?), she sits down right beside me. My heart is pounding in my freaking neck, and I’m afraid that if I open my mouth, she’ll hear it. I casually turn to her and attempt to appear calm and collected, trying to channel Pop-pop, Mr. Washington, Uncle Merit, and every other “cool as a cucumber” adult male that I know.

Kai: Oh hey, Melisa, right?

Melisa: Yeah, and you’re Kai.

I’m glad she reminded me because for a moment there – I forgot. She lifts her soda to take a sip, and I wish I were the can. Good Watcher – those lips. I try to guess the flavor of her lip gloss.

She takes a second sip and places the can on the table. It only takes a moment, but I try to savor it as if it took days. Great – now I sound thirsty. If she were a mind reader, this would be over before it began.

Kai: So, did you find your class okay?

Melisa: I sure did – no thanks to you.

Kai: *chuckles* Sorry about that.

Melisa: It’s okay. I was only teasing.

When did being teased become enjoyable?

Melisa: So, what made you go into biology?

Okay, school – a safe topic. I shouldn’t mess this up.

Kai: I’m not sure. I was accepted into the distinguished program, so I thought I’d go for it. What about you? Why Physics?

I hope that doesn’t sound too braggy. Now I feel like I’m channeling my friend Vern.

Melisa: It’s the same for me. I’m in the distinguished program, and I enjoy rocket science and stuff like that, so I figured why not?

Kai: *impressed* Rocket science! Wow! What do you know about that?

Melisa: A little, but not nearly enough – that’s why I’m here.

That’s what I’m feeling about her – I can’t wait to learn more.

But – it’s not going to happen right now. Melisa grabs her can and stands up.

Melisa: It’s good talking to you again. I need to meet up with my study group. See you around?

Kai: Definitely

I can’t wait to see her again, but it would be so much easier to do so if I had her cell number. Why didn’t I ask for it? I get up to follow her up the stairs. I refuse to leave here without some way to contact her.

I get to the top of the stairs and run into my long-time friend, Liliana.

Liliana: Hey, Kai!

Kai: Hey, Lil.

We greet each other with a hug like we’ve done a thousand times, but she squeezes me a bit longer this time. What’s up with that? I step away to let her continue going to wherever she’s heading, but she’s staring and looking over her shoulder at me in a strange way – as if she knows something that I don’t.

I put it out of mind because the last I checked – Liliana and Vern were dating. So she couldn’t have possibly just been flirting with me. Could she?

I look around, and Melisa is not up there. I use the quiet atmosphere to finish up my homework for my Tuesday class. Once I’ve completed it, there’s nothing left to do but go back home. Once again, I’m exhausted.

Who would have thought that attending college would feel like running a marathon? I’m constantly tired. No wonder ma didn’t have time for much else when she was in school. Finally, I arrive at the house and go to the kitchen to find a snack before bed.

I sit down with a plate of pizza rolls and replay everything in my mind that I can remember about my interactions with Melisa today. Eventually, I conclude that it went well. I hope it played out the same way for her.

I go upstairs and change into my pajamas, then crawl into bed as I vow to myself not to let her go again without getting her number first.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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